There are repercussions to the carnivore diet….

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46 replies
  1. @DeniseWoods-hr5is
    @DeniseWoods-hr5is says:

    Congrats on yor multiple accomplishments Bill! Just want to caution you about cutting salt out altogether. As carnivores, I believe we need salt – maybe just stop soaking your meat in salt. I think you may be gaining muscle which we all know, weighs more than the fat you are losing. I expect you are still noticing your clothes are looser, which is always a great indicator!!!

  2. @tonymengela3575
    @tonymengela3575 says:

    Hey brother one thing going onis just because you are not dropping in weight you are gaining muscle and core strength. measurements matter more than weight ive been floating at 200 for month now but waiste getting smaller

  3. @Dzb852
    @Dzb852 says:

    I get that energy & no brain fog from eating protein. I don’t drink coffee. My nutritionist said coffee makes the adrenal glands weak while protein (meat) builds them up. That’s great you did some spring cleaning. Looks great! Can you get all your nutrition through the meat you eat instead of taking supplements?

  4. @chargermopar
    @chargermopar says:

    When your options are limited you have to go with what you have. Everyone has to either earn their keep or rely on charity. Being able to market products you believe in is a good thing. People love a rags to riches success story. Going from circling the drain to moving forward. That's why you are so popular versus someone who never faced those challenges. Being skinny allows you to use a lot of salt but with someone as damaged as you skipping the salt is a good idea.

  5. @ginawood9401
    @ginawood9401 says:

    Hi Bill. I love your videos and your story. Don't worry about the negative comment, some people just must judge others. They can't just go away; they feel like they have to try to correct what they deem as wrong. No reason that you should not benefit from the products that have been so beneficial to you. I am thinking of getting some life pro items when I can afford them and why – because you told me and show me how nice they are and how well they work. You introduced me to the products and you deserve to be compensated if I make a purchase. Again, LOVE your videos and good luck on your journey.

  6. @marthaashworth8374
    @marthaashworth8374 says:

    You are doing great Bill! Even 6 pounds in a couple of months are great, maybe you need to get a couple of pants or shorts that fit you now. That way you could see that only 6 pounds could really be 6 inches gone too. Love your videos ❤

  7. @jasonthomas208
    @jasonthomas208 says:

    Bill, pay no attention to the people accusing you of being a sellout. What you have done sharing your journey is amazing and you have every right to make a little income out of it, it is helping you to regain your independence and claim your life back. This is your channel and you have every right to run it your way, these people are under no obligation to watch you or purchase the products. I wish I had the strength and courage to do it but I am way to shy to put myself out there the way you have. God bless you and best wishes.

  8. @LivingTheLifeRetired
    @LivingTheLifeRetired says:

    I know you’ve heard this before Bill, but who cares what the scale says. I know you are on a journey to lose weight but that will come. It’s time to stop thinking about weight loss and focus on living. I think Dr Chaffee would say that you don’t need supplements of any kind on the carnivore diet.

  9. @marianneellman1139
    @marianneellman1139 says:

    I can't believe what you have been through!!!
    You should congratulate yourself as well as the people that led you to this path.❤
    But the biggest thing you did was


    You are an amazing example of why we need each other!❤
    Your flowers are amazing every time we see them

    There has to be a bigger reason we don't quite know where or why?
    How exciting ❤🎉

  10. @JDizzlekl3yh
    @JDizzlekl3yh says:

    P.s you’re not selling out at all! If you can promote something that you believe in and make some money from it then good on you Bill. It’s meant to be, mother blessing from God ❤

  11. @2L84goodbye
    @2L84goodbye says:

    To stay positive on your journey of health and wellness, you absolutely need to tune out the negative energy. Don´t worry about those types.. just keep on moving forward…

  12. @JulieK89
    @JulieK89 says:

    On the coffee: I only began full carnivore 4 weeks ago (I had eased into it by reducing the diet to rice and ground beef and eggs). At the second week I saw a video where Kerry mentioned sth. about coffee being really just another thing in the diet that causes addiction and in the long run is not good for the heart. So I made a hard cut. I prepared myself to have a few days of pain/side effects/ withdrawal symptoms, and bough myself my favourite type of tea (the cheapest fruit tea available really haha). I cut out the coffee (and to me that also meant to fully cut off ALL milk, because I'm not eating any cheese etc either. The milk in the coffee had been the only milk I drank, but with 3-5 coffees a day that was taking its toll). Instead of coffee, I switched to making myself tea, using a teabag only for a few seconds in the hot water and re-using it another two times over the day. The rest I just drank pure water, maybe with some selfmade electrolythes.

    OH BOY. It was truly a difficult cut, especially since my bf still drinks coffee (and he's not doing carnivore, because we can't afford it for two people at the moment). I was down, dizzy, foggy, sluggish, mentally slow, and low in energy and strength for a good four days. My bf was already getting worried, but I stayed strong and said that I already had predicted this, and this is just the withdrawel sympthoms, showing how much my body "craves" it and now being denied the tons of caffein as well as the milk. I upped up my fat intake and used a bit more salt, and THAT'S where I really noticed the switch. Everytime I took a bite from my ground beef with a bit of butter and salt on top, shortly after, my body (and especially my brain) would feel a surge of energy.

    All I can say is that, if you want to get off it, be prepared (ha! know that?! 😉 ) But yeah. Have a plan for compensation – even if it's just temporarily. Some say "drinking tea ain't carnivore", but who gives a damn? It works FOR ME. EVERYONE has to figure out their own way. Everyone has different needs and a different mental and physiologigal sitation. As the saying goes "You – do YOU". Hope the little story helps for some additional perspective and serves you as support. You've got this Bill. You've become so much more positive (although you've always been an optimistic person on camera 😉 ) and look at you! You're figuring out points of improvement, you try things out – that's how it should be.

    Now as a finishing line, I give you a sentence I wrote down that I heard from JB Peterson in a podcast with Chris Williamson. It's on the topic of NOT comparing yourself to anybody else:
    "YOU'RE the only control group that's appropriate to YOU. Because you have a certain set of talents, possibilities, limitations & tragedies that are TRULY unique to YOU." You've got this Bill. <3

  13. @JDizzlekl3yh
    @JDizzlekl3yh says:

    Aww Bill 6lbs still a loss. I’m cutting out the salt too. Been on my treadmill every day for the last 9 days but only lost a 1lb. So good to see you standing on the vibration plate, I’m thinking of getting one 🤔. You inspire me so much, wish I could see you everyday, once a week is not enough lol! Love to Daisy ❤

  14. @latterrain09
    @latterrain09 says:

    Bill, you and i started the carnivore life about the sane time. I am healing a bit slower than many of the youngsters in their 50s as i am 72 and have a lifetime of esting the SAD diet. But i am healingon top oxylate dumping can be a bear, but as you said it passes. Im Not in bed and the recliner all day, fixing oatmeal because it was the simplest thing i could put together. (wirh plenty of brown sugar and milk) My husband did all the grocery shopping for 2 years before starting carnivore because I had no energy and too much pain. I thought i was going blind. I saw the eye dictor thinking new glasses mught helo, and he was baffled by my complaints eye pain and extreme double vision, but that is slowly improving. But i now do most of the grocery shopping, which is so much easier. Just beef butter eggs, i
    have trouble with eggs upsetting my stomach. I have cooked for us every day since July 21 2023. We have both lost about 30 lbs. And even more inches when the scale doesnt move. But the reduction in pain and inflammation is incredible. Just before we started this journey i had an extremely bad scalp cancer that wss misdiagnosed as Psoriasis. It had gone into my skullbone and had to be ground out with a burrgrinder. This was a traumatic procedure i had to be awake and sitting upright the whole time with nothing but lical anesthetic. The doctor didnt even offer me a valuum or xanax to help me cope. I was sent home with an open wound 3× 4 inches to change the dressing on daily. I had to wrap gauze uner my chin to keep the dressing in place as it was on the top of my head,cand sleep upright in the recliner for i think ten days until a plastic surgeon took a patch of donorvskin from my upper outer thigh to close the wound. That was extremely painful to heal that thigh. I was pretty traumatized by the whole experience and it drove my resolve to find a way to heak and avoid any more of this type of situation fir my remaining days. I really justcwanted to avoid doctirs and fin8sh out what i felt were myblast cerybfew days in peace avoiding doctors. But i want to stress that carnivore has given me so much more. Iwas told ivhad clean margins and would not need radiation or chemo neither of which i never intended to do. Im sorry i went on so long, but i wanted to explain how much carnivore has given me life again. I will be forever grateful to God for putting Dr. Ken Berry in my youtube feed. And to you who i feel are walking this path with me. God bless you and all our fellow carnivores.

  15. @spartanchuckles8743
    @spartanchuckles8743 says:

    Hey, I've been on occasional watcher over the last few months (wish I had the time to watch more, but life) . So glad to see such a huge improvement over the last 8 months. Cant wait to see how good you will be looking in another 8 months.

  16. @lauramartin2313
    @lauramartin2313 says:

    Hey, Bill, so happy for the scale drop, even if it's just a little bit. Your body is probably prioritizing healing, so weight loss has slowed down a bit. Hope the no salt approach will help.
    It doesn't bother me a bit, that you advertise products. You are so good at that! It's great that you can make a little extra. I receive disability also, and know it's not much to live on.
    It's great you are weaning Mr Daisy off the can!!ned cat food. He'll probably feel much better as a full carnivore, his proper feline diet😻. You and Daisy are the best!! Love and prayers ❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏

  17. @moparmissile
    @moparmissile says:

    Hey Bill. Just thought I would tell you what I do. I do eat a lot of salt with my meat but every morning I dissolve nearly a half teaspoon of cream of tartar in water and drink it. That is basically potassium which powers the sodium potassium pump on a cellular level. We need 4700mg a day apparently and some is in meat but I like to make sure I get enough. Hope that helps. Works for me and gives me good energy levels. Keep up your great work and congratulations on your continued adherence to Carnivore!

  18. @TxSiri
    @TxSiri says:

    Bill, it's great you lost 6 lbs! In between your body is dropping body fat, healing the mitochondria, your organs and blood vessels. I would also check your sodium, potassium, magnesium balance. You need those to be right to absorb the water into the cells. You may also try a small pinch of non-aluminum baking soda (Red Mill) and a pinch of Himalayan salt in the glass whenever you drink water. It also moves the water into the cells.

  19. @KetovoreKrystal
    @KetovoreKrystal says:

    Hi Bill! You have that Carnivore glow. Love your weekly updates. Thanks for sharing the products you believe in & use. I'll be getting a LifePro vibration plate. 💜 Keep striving to thrive! 🥩🧈🥓🥚💧💪

  20. @marynamurray9385
    @marynamurray9385 says:

    Hey Bill, it's not just about the actual weight loss, but also losing "centimetres" on your body. Six pounds are great to lose in addition to centimeters and perhaps you should "measure" your body, if you don't already. You have already lost a lot of weight, so just keep at it! Daisy looking all cuddly in the video🌻

  21. @user-pc3fw4wx7c
    @user-pc3fw4wx7c says:

    Hey Bill dont get bummed out on the 6 lbs ! you've blessed me with LMNT and Life Pro , you probably lost a lot of inches! Since your pants are falling off LOL! All my love to little daisey. He is coming back soon! AMEN-

  22. @user-dl6xx9ec5s
    @user-dl6xx9ec5s says:

    The first time I heard of insulin resistance and lchf diet it was on youtube Butter Bob Briggs' chanel. I owe him a LOT. Always when I fall of the wagon or just simply feel like i'm weak I watch his old videos. One of them is titled "Butter Makes Your Pants Fall Off". Some musician wrote a song to honour Butter Bob and send the recording to him. He put it on his chanel. I love the song too. Always makes me smile.


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