The ULTIMATE Vegan Mac N Cheese Ranking

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I tried all of the (available to me) boxed vegan mac and cheeses so you don’t have to. You’re welcome. Follow me: Instagram: …

36 replies
  1. faith cook
    faith cook says:

    rip to the other annie's vegan mac that wasn't available to you bc that one's actually my favorite 💔 i buy a couple boxes when it's on sale and then add nooch, smoked paprika, parsley and vegan butter and it is THE lazy meal for me lol

  2. Amanda Drescher
    Amanda Drescher says:

    Merle, the 8 Oz for the frozen Mac makes perfect sense. Those noodles are already cooked and therefore hydrated, so they have water weight. The cheese is also already hydrated (vs. a powder pack.) So, fixed boxed pasta makes more than 5.5 oz 👌🏻

  3. Kayla H
    Kayla H says:

    amy's is always my fave but the rest i agree with! i also love how accessible amy's and annie's are now. would love one of these kinds of videos for vegan cheeses since there's so many out there now.

  4. juliegarneauca
    juliegarneauca says:

    Personally, I make vegan mac and cheese with regular pasta and Earth Island cheddar style slices. I melt the cheese with vegan butter and a bit of water to make the sauce creamier and silkier. Quick and easy!

  5. Kiaura Ruskey
    Kiaura Ruskey says:

    The reason for the oz difference between Amy’s and the rest is that it is 8 oz of pasta, cooked. With the others it’s dry, so the pasta hasn’t soaked up the water and the sauce hasn’t been accounted for. If you look at the serving size and do the math considering one cup is 8 oz it should make some more sense because that counts for cooked pasta, not dry

  6. mai
    mai says:

    The alfredo (flavor?) Daiya mac and cheese is actually kind of a banger, although maybe I can't judge because no matter what I always pour like 5 tbsp of spices into my mac

  7. S Darby
    S Darby says:

    Let's face it…non dairy-cheeses are not the best. I've seen improvements in some types of non-dairy products–Violife makes awesome cream cheese and Ciao makes really good sliced cheese, but vegan mac and cheese? It all sucks. Sorry. That's my opinion. However, recently two new non-dairy milk products are coming out…Silk Nextmilk and So Delicious Wondermilk. These two products are supposed to taste exactly like cow milk…so my hope is that better cheeses can be made from these new non-dairy milks.

    While plant-based "meat" like Impossible Burger and beyond Burger have mastered plant meat, no brand has yet to perfect a good vegan melting cheese.

  8. Erin Ashinghurst
    Erin Ashinghurst says:

    I think with the Amy's brand they meant ounces by weight and not volume. Ounces can be used as a measure of weight and volume. Seems like a marketing gotcha. While the Amy's box appears less substantial than the others, it may actually weigh more.

  9. AG
    AG says:

    I loveee the daiya box but i just throw out the pasta that comes with it, i feel like it even messes with the cheese sauce flavor it’s terrible. Give it a try with store bought pasta instead, I’m obsessed w it

  10. last days
    last days says:

    I KNOW we're in the era of not commenting on people's personal choices, bodies etc but this bitch is my imaginary friend… Gurl fire your hairstylist, the bitch did you wrong. Tone the highlights to a deeper color. You as brunette was everything!!!


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