The Strongest Tent I’ve Camped in.

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50 replies
  1. Will
    Will says:

    I am sold on this tent. Regarding the Trekology pillows, I have been through two. Both only lasted 3 outings before becoming extremely leaky. Upon inspection the plastic used gets stress cracks in it from folding. It simply doesn't like being packed back away. Three out/in cycles and done. Very disappointed.

  2. Mr. Champion
    Mr. Champion says:

    Hey Paul – great to see my favourite outdoor youtuber doing my favourite 'local' walk!! Form Somerset its only a couple of hours and I've done most weathers – morning cloud is usually a feature. The best camp there was new years eve on the first lake – beautiful! Also – I gave up booze 4 years ago and haven't looked back – fitter, stronger and less grumpy : ) Take care.

  3. SoloSarahB
    SoloSarahB says:

    I really love this tent! I’m glad you brought it with you, I love that your eating propper food and that your off the pop and caffeine. Keep at it, you are inspiring more people than you’ll ever know. I wonder if my husband would cook a chilli for me up the hill and put it in a special separator? He hates you 😂😂😂😂😂😂 Jokes…thank you for your time, commitment and honesty ❤BW, Sarah

  4. lionheart
    lionheart says:

    Paul my man thanks for filming this striking view and sharing it with us, above the clouds like that, it felt like you was on top of the world. You could not of timed it better the next morning nor picked a better place, was ment to be.

  5. Gym Bob Joe
    Gym Bob Joe says:

    Paul, you don't need to try and change everything at once. You're more likely to go back to your old ways as its way harder than changing one or two aspects to your diet. A massive one which you're doing completely wrong is cutting carbs. We NEED carbs. Just reduce your carb intake. If you're serious about losing weight I'd seriously consider a diet coach or counting your macros yourself. Reducing calories is the only true way to lose weight.

  6. Mike Faulkner
    Mike Faulkner says:

    I admire your resolve Paul. Loosing weight is tough, but please remember when you reach 40 yrs, your endocrine or hormones reduce and that leads to muscle loss. In other words, watch what you eat, but keep some form of resistance training going for upper as well as lower body. The usual problem is older men trying to loose weight with diet and running, which quite often leads to accelerated muscle loss. I could go on, but it's only for the interested, lol!

  7. James Morey
    James Morey says:

    Be careful cutting your favourite food, im not saying eat crap food, but dont go cold turkey on it all as you wont stick it out and we want you to lose the weight! More excercise is the key to losing it, as well as improved diet, but if you want a beer on a friday then have it, provided you put in the excercise. All the best, you can do it!

  8. Elliot Williams
    Elliot Williams says:

    Met office need folk who can actually read the weather.
    Just back from camping, prepared for the worst which was meant to start Friday night…………one heavy shower Saturday night for 4 hours, that's it.

  9. Mike
    Mike says:

    The MSR Ceramic Solo 1.3 litre pan is a great bit of kit. I swear by it after managing to burn soup in my first titanium pot! At £65 it might break the bank, but at 212 grams it won't break your back. I recommend getting some kind of bags for anything you store inside it so you don't scratch up the ceramic coating.

  10. Keith Millar
    Keith Millar says:

    C'mon now, Paul, you English blowins need to have a bit of respect for languages older than your own, especially in the ancient places. Great work as always, love your stuff and stay healthy.

  11. David Hale
    David Hale says:

    Ha you had good weather for it, I’d did a two day on a similar route the week before I think. starting from the Story arms. To say it was windy would be something of an understatement, absolutely no chance of camping high even with a Hillberg.
    Needless to say I didn’t see anyone for two days, a huge contrast to the last time I was up there.
    Glad your doing something about your diet few people manage to alter their life style for long.

  12. Nick Arter
    Nick Arter says:

    Kovea Spider is an excellent gas stove! Remote canister, very light weight, stable and you can invert the canister for winter, plus it fits easily into small pan! Nothing beats it on weight prove or packed size!


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