The Squatternush Farm Story

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16 replies
  1. Dawn Lanni
    Dawn Lanni says:

    Loved that story. Your family is definitely flourishing on the farm! 💖🐤 I know you were talking about getting some goats(kids) later… Any chance of adding one more of your own? (Just curious) Levi is getting so big! They all are! I've been following you since Renee was very small and it's been an added joy watching your babies grow. ☺️

  2. Sylvia B
    Sylvia B says:

    Awww, what a great name, love it! Little Renae gets more beautiful every time I see her and so sweet! It’s so wonderful how much you all are enjoying you farm! 😊

  3. TRAY- B
    TRAY- B says:

    Freddi is right at home as a Tree Cat, and has live access to "Chicken TV". I had a feeling the farm name had something to do with squash😄 Thanks for revealing!


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