The SKYLINE CHILI BREAKFAST SANDWICH | *Instant Hangover Cure* 🌆🍳🍔

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Skyline Chili is a Midwest legend. Today we showcase them in a breakfast sandwich. Donations for food, beer and/or episode …

27 replies
  1. Jessi Moths
    Jessi Moths says:

    Skyline was my go-to back when I was traveling for work to Ohio all the time. My spouse is Texan and thinks Cincy chili is an abomination so I have to get my fix on my own… might need to pick up some of the frozen stuff.

  2. Nick DePaul
    Nick DePaul says:

    I grew up in NEOhio and have lived in Dayton and Columbus presently. Skyline is shit. Total shit. Barberton chicken is way better than chili on spaghetti with way too much processed cheese.

  3. Keitek
    Keitek says:

    I would put chili on a lot of things, including a breakfast sandwich but not Skyline… most overrated chili in the country, there's a reason they smother everything in cheese with it.

  4. Adventure2Live
    Adventure2Live says:

    Just had some Skyline the other day. Sean, have you ever had Goetta? It’s a breakfast food that’s pretty much exclusive to the Cincinnati area. Literally not eaten outside of a 30 mile radius of the I275 loop that surrounds the city. It’s delicious. I’d love to try and get you some for the Sean’s first time eating series.


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