The Secret to Mouthwatering Homemade Nachos: Instant Pot Meat Recipe

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Looking for an easy and delicious recipe for homemade nachos? Look no further! This Instant Pot meat recipe is a delicious way …

15 replies
  1. Kimberley1
    Kimberley1 says:

    I love those choppers too Nessa and I just ordered a very small one for doing garlic or ginger .I’ll send you a pic when it arrives next week .They save such a lot of time and the consistency the same is really good .

  2. Sherry Leach
    Sherry Leach says:

    Love Nachos. I always do the corn chips and then meat. I layer another chips and meat. Of course, there is bacon in each layer. Pepperoni is also on each layer. I do shredded mozzarella and sharp cheddar. I put it in the oven for 15 minutes. I like my chips warm. I will then top with green onions tomatoes and Queso.

  3. dabi davis
    dabi davis says:

    Hello. I love nachos. I do mine this way. I put a layer of taco meat, then tomatoes, green onions, black sliced olives, shredded cheddar cheese, pickled jalopenos, then queso cheese. Of course i am putting them on a parchment paper lined baking sheet. Then i repeat starting with a layer of chips and all the other goodies. I then pop the whole thing into the oven for about 15 twenty minutes and serve them with sour cream. It does make for, as you mentioned, a lovely delicious dinner. I am going to definitely be looking up your recipe for queso, yours looks so yummy! This is great for those sports party days.

  4. Shawn Gale
    Shawn Gale says:

    That looks really good! We eat alot of Mexican food at my house because thats what my husband and son like. We pretty much eat the same things that you have on your nachos. I really want to try canning the cheese like you got there.


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