The Secret to Instant Homemade Vanilla Extract

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20 replies
  1. Chella Girl
    Chella Girl says:

    I love the idea of making the vanilla for gifts. Also, if you make the hemade jars of cookie/muffin/cake/bread mixes, you could add this with it to make a cute gift basket for any occasion.

  2. Scenie902-Frankie H-
    Scenie902-Frankie H- says:

    Love this. I make several of my own flavorings. I never thought of using Spiced Rum or my insta pot. Guess what I'll be doing this weekend!!😉😉
    Ps) How tight should I screw the canning jar lids before putting them in the insta pot?

  3. Brooke White
    Brooke White says:

    ( i love the shrinkwrap, but I remember when I lived in the USA, I had a tiny slow cookeer dedicated to wax, I would collect my waxes (left over candle bits /or even the bonbel cheese kind) and melt those down and diped my capped bottles into that, or poured over for a more "rustic" look)

  4. Brittany Martin
    Brittany Martin says:

    I have people I think would love this that does not drink alcohol. Does the alcohol burn out of it/ go away over time? Does it taste like alcohol? I just want to make sure I am respecting them and their decisions.

  5. Lucy - Aka Olivia
    Lucy - Aka Olivia says:

    Once made how would you use this product? Do you use it as a drink, ice cream, cake, pancake topping?
    A great way to reuse the vanilla bean AFTER the extract is cooked is to drop it in a jar of caster sugar, it dries out fast and infuses the sugar within a week, it unbelievably delicious and perfect for sugared flowers; Rose Petals, Violets, Primroses, Borage etc!


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