The Secret to Healthy Eating: Eat Your Bolting Garden Vegetable Tops

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John from shows you the best way to use the bolting tops from all your brassica plants …

33 replies
  1. Learn Organic Gardening at GrowingYourGreens
    Learn Organic Gardening at GrowingYourGreens says:

    Jump to the following parts of this episode:

    00:22 My favorite way to use Bolting Brassica Tops

    01:33 How to determine what length to harvest

    03:25 Harvesting Kale & Cauliflower Tops

    04:33 Harvesting Bolting Mustard Greens

    05:25 More Bolting Tops Grow Back

    06:14 Harvest Bolting Tops of Brassica,

    06:58 Ingredients being used in this recipe

    08:04 Recommended Way to Cook Your Food

    08:33 These can be eaten Raw but can be strong

    09:57 Add Rosemary to Minimize Oxidation

    10:25 Food Cut and Prepped

    11:08 How to Layer in Food into Instantpot

    12:21 Adding in Precooked Beans in Tetrapack

    12:50 Ultimate Batchelor Cooking Device

    13:34 My meal is done cooking

    14:42 Adding Herbs & Spices to Meal

    18:07 Finished Meal and Taste Testing

  2. Yee Vita
    Yee Vita says:

    People already eat young bolting tops, called Broccoli and Cauliflower. They just have to see that all those florets exist for other brassicas as well.

    I graze the garden during early spring. I especially love chard and kale tops. The purple kales have these beautiful, delicious fluffy florets. Sprouting broccolis are also amazing.

    Mustards do not seem to do that well in my garden. They take too long to grow their big leaves and then are attacked by everything. They make good trap plants for me. They are also a bit too spicy for me, so yep, good trap plants.

    In May now and the brassicas are mostly over. They have a hard time in the high desert and mostly have seed pods or have dried out already. I should have plenty of seeds and volunteers in fall though.

  3. ShanerS87
    ShanerS87 says:

    🎶 This is how we do itttt!!🎶 lol YEAH Alright John enjoy and thanks for sharing! Love my insta pot, anything with quinoa or rice is is fine with me.

  4. Page Petty
    Page Petty says:

    Do you have a recipe for Red Russian Kale? I planted a lot of it because I thought it was pretty, but I'm not loving the taste. I guess I could make kale chips. Anything tastes good with olive oil and seasonings.

  5. lizonator
    lizonator says:

    This recipe looks so good! I love that cutting board. Yum I can only imagine all those deep flavors from the green salt and soy sauce and balsamic. Need to check those oht

  6. TICO
    TICO says:

    MY thing is there's cultures who have grown and cooked these foods for thousands of years and were way more healthier than the healthiest raw vegan nowadays. Is it the ground? Because we have more options nowadays to make super soils full of nutrient and minerals. Does cooking food really make it unhealthy?

  7. Cute Gal
    Cute Gal says:

    Hi John, I live in North Las Vegas. To get rid of the pill bugs I use the small cat food cans. I place the rim at dirt level and put them around the garden. At first they were full of pill bugs when I would check them in the mornings. It cleared up the pill bug issue so fast and now after a few years I never see them.


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