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Hello, my name is Darlene and welcome to my channel. This is mostly a Vlog channel where a share a Peek Inside my life as a …

23 replies
  1. MyEveryDayWifeLife
    MyEveryDayWifeLife says:

    I agree, if you can’t move refresh the house you live in and make it new again. We are hoping to get all new carpeting or flooring in the next year or so hopefully. The carpet is gross. I’m with you on the painting, I don’t have the energy or paint even to paint rooms anymore. We painted before we moved in but not every room so some rooms need done soon. We have lived here 10 yrs now.

    The housing market is crazy but not every where, it depends where you live. Here where I live it’s nuts. My house has doubled in price in the last two years but we are here to stay so it doesn’t matter. My niece wants to buy a bigger house but is kinda stuck right now even though she would get a lot for her current house she just can justify price for new house plus there the whole being out bud by other buyers. Makes me thankful we moved to this house when the market was low 10 years ago. We are here to stay though. We lived in our previous house 16 yrs.

  2. Deb Krueger
    Deb Krueger says:

    First off I love your channel. Also, your new furniture is nice but I really loved your old couch. I was wishing I could of bought it from you. Just saying…….

  3. Amy Bennett
    Amy Bennett says:

    That yellow is great! Before you even mentioned changing out the color in fall/winter, I was totally thinking burnt orange or burgundy! Being intentional about buying stuff is sometimes difficult but rewarding. Happy Friday friend!

  4. Jackie Best
    Jackie Best says:

    Loving your color scheme. Can’t wait to go along as you make changes. So exciting. Thanks for sharing. Good to see another video. Sure missed you last week!

  5. Lori E Ellickson
    Lori E Ellickson says:

    Its been extremely hot here, I had to another town about 30 miles away and I have no air conditioning in my car. Very hot and miserable ride. 3 times yesterday I got really overheated and dizzy feeling like passing out. I went to the gas station a few blocks from home and they called an ambulance because was so overheated. I absolutely cannot handle the heat, makes me sick. The night I had my stroke it was like 120° heat index, I believe that that triggered it.

  6. Lana Woodall
    Lana Woodall says:

    Good Morning, happy Friday! Love the new couch and the yellow accents will look great. I wonder if my Mom would like the egg bites, I will have to try making them. The lake looks beautiful. It’s nice to see Andrew enjoying the swings. I’m glad you are loving your home and the changes you are making. Take Care. 💚🌷🌷 💚

  7. Donna Norman
    Donna Norman says:

    Are going to paint the whole living area Yellow or using it for an accent wall behind your couch? I was thinking that if you do the whole living area it might make it feel too closed in.
    Have you thought of getting swings for Andrew for the backyard?
    It was a nice surprise to see your notification on my phone this morning, something nice to watch with my morning coffee.
    Hope you and your family have a wonderful weekend.
    Stay stress-free, happy and safe. Till the next time.

  8. PJL
    PJL says:

    My favorite way to start the day is to sit down with my morning coffee and catch up with Darlene! Thanks for taking us along to Michael's…I spied a framed bird picture that I'd like to go check out for myself! I have the same shopping philosophy as you…yes, there might be lots of "pretties" in the store, but if they don't fit my space or style, I have to leave them behind. I was wondering if you have another Winners store nearby? Many times when I can't find an item I saw in one store, I drive to the next town to see if their store still has it! Oh my, the lake was so peaceful, and Andrew's joy on the swing absolutely made my day! And of course, those pups!!! Hope you find all the perfect yellow things you need soon! I love it!

  9. Barb Stormo
    Barb Stormo says:

    I think the yellow is going to look really pretty! (I love that handbag too! ) You will find the right things for decorating…it will probably won't be when you aren't looking! I hope you have a great day!

  10. Melissa Thompson
    Melissa Thompson says:

    I once had light gray walls and accented with flamingo/blush pink. It was gorgeous; warm but also vacation-y. ☺
    I don't think that pink is too girly for your boys, if you decided to use it, but I also know why you chose the yellow, and I like that shade.

  11. Donna Wiseman
    Donna Wiseman says:

    Oh, I love that color of yellow! That will be so pretty with that gray. It’s great that you will be able to change the accent color whenever you want to. And I forgot to say how much I love your table and chairs! That white really pops and the design of the chairs is gorgeous!

  12. Helen Beks
    Helen Beks says:

    Hi Darlene, I do really like your vlogs. I have a suggestion about a throw for your couch. Would a quilt work, possibly a crib size? It might work better with the dogs.


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