The Ooey Gooey Cinnamon Rolls I Make Every Christmas

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Cinnamon rolls are the only thing in the world that I want to eat on Christmas morning. With this recipe you can make them a day …

28 replies
  1. Ezra De Guzman
    Ezra De Guzman says:

    Our typical Christmas morning breakfast: salted "brioche" buns (apparently YT doesn't like it when I link to a recipe), plus leftover ham and whatever roast beef or poultry, plus Edam and cotija cheese.

    And THEN have these buns plus any leftover rice cakes from Christmas dinner for dessert.

  2. Rick Ray
    Rick Ray says:

    Hi, a couple things. At Walmart you can buy a bag of 100 wood clothes pins, great for 10X, brown or other things you leave in the bad, like potato chips, etc. George C. Scott's version of A Christmas Carol is my favorite holiday movie!!!

  3. Sentimental Circus Curator
    Sentimental Circus Curator says:

    Ive tried to find an orange crisp chocolate recepie because I havent had it in forever (we call it apelsinkrisp in swedish) its a chocolatey christmas treat like , truffles, icecocolate and butterscotch, do you happen to know what Im talking about? NOONE has a recipe for it on this platform….. Merry Christmas btw! <3

  4. Αντώνης Αντωνίου
    Αντώνης Αντωνίου says:

    thank you for sharing your knowledge amazing recipe and technique !! I only have one question after we bake them and ice them for how long can we keep them fluffy, because every time I bake cinnamon rolls when I put them out from the oven are ok and the next day are like stones !!

  5. Anthony Calia
    Anthony Calia says:

    For the last few years my wife has been getting up early on Christmas morning and makes me fresh Scones. Not only an 'acceptable' substitute, but one that one might consider superior…


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