The only Khichdi recipe you’ll ever need in your life

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Full recipe is on my IG (website coming soon!) – #shorts …

36 replies
  1. Asteria
    Asteria says:

    I love to it khichdi whether I'm sick or fine. My mother don't add any vegetables, simple mix of pulses and rice and it still taste amazing.

  2. DSS
    DSS says:

    People saying they prefer it bland because they eat it when they are sick its fine people. This recipe is for people who eat khichdi more often like atleast once a week.
    Many families in north india prefer eating khichdi on saturdays.

  3. Deepak Maurya
    Deepak Maurya says:

    Defeats the whole idea of khichdi being a simple, easy to digest food

    Besides, there are already tasty khichdis out there. Methi khichdi with ghee on top (be generous with garlic and heeng), toor dal khichdi with curd on top. Yumm!!

    SHIPRA GUPTA says:

    In our household khichdi is eaten with ghee , achar , chokha , some chutney and papad …. And dahi too ….we don't have all the things present all the time ..but chokha and aachar is a must with khichdi

  5. T
    T says:

    we eat both spicy and bland khichdi based on mood and occasions. yes ppl eat bland khichdi when they're sick but you can eat it spice it up and eat it normally when youre not sick too, it tastes heavenly. i might even prefer it over biryani sometimes 🙂

  6. Anna Mouse
    Anna Mouse says:

    Funny how a "poor' man's dish has become a trend😂😂. In Guyana, its rice,dhal, scotch bonnet, coconut milk, geera,haldi, salt, garlic and onion. I like some eddoes boiled in it. When finished cooking, fry crushed gsrkuv and geeta seeds and throw on top.

  7. Michelle Ayres
    Michelle Ayres says:

    Why are you pushing your personal taste on other people. Let me find out who tris is so I can block you everywhere. You want others to eat flavors YOU like? How arrogant.


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