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37 replies
  1. Skywynne Butterfly
    Skywynne Butterfly says:

    Tomato’s, I remember for the second grade when they tried to make us not be as picky with food or something I forgot. And they gave us these cherry tomatoes, I hated it so much and we had to eat all that we were given.

  2. Collie Calamari
    Collie Calamari says:

    I LOATHE Sweet potatoes, the taste is so disgusting to me, I can only have them if they're made in a way I can mask the taste, cucumbers are close, I can stand them but I absolutely hate how when you put them in salad ALL of the salad now tastes like cucumber, I wanna taste my tomatoes GDI!!!!!

  3. 🖤 Nyxie 🖤
    🖤 Nyxie 🖤 says:

    Amplaya (Bitter gourd/Bitter melon) for me. Its not like I won't eat it but if you let me choose between eating an ampalaya or another vegetable, I would rather that other vegetable.

  4. Chaotica
    Chaotica says:

    I love eating vegetables crunchy and raw because it makes me feel nice. I don't know. I think it's the same feeling people get when they eat chicken wings with the bone in them. Absolutely PRIMAL. No one can watch me eat carrots or broccoli I chomp them like some ape.

  5. nomuchaeyoung🍭✨
    nomuchaeyoung🍭✨ says:

    We’re the opposite, I can’t stand any boiled vegetable asides from a boiled potato. They lose all of the flavour, bland, too soft and just gross me out. Roasted, fried or raw. Raw carrots are the bomb and I could snack on them for ages. Tomatoes give me goosebumps. I hate the insides, the weird flavour and horrid texture. Also aubergine. They go so friggin soggy on the inside idk how people stomach it

  6. silver lining
    silver lining says:

    Same with you, i don't like carrots whether cooked or raw for reasons i cannot understand since they don't have any strong taste. The only carrot i eat is carrot cake.

    Close second is pumpkin/squash which i can only tolerate if made into soup or cake.

  7. Piper
    Piper says:

    Funny thing I only like baby carrots raw. But I HATE green beans bc my mom used to make me eat them almost every day when I was little I had way way way too much


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