The ONE KETO ingredient we don’t have yet

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Traditional home bakers have it so good. They can easily whip up batches of fudge, ice cream and cream pies with this …

30 replies
  1. @CarolynnMc01
    @CarolynnMc01 says:

    thank you! even if they came out with a ready made sweetened condensed milk for keto, it would probably have a lot of mystery ingredients in it. I'd rather just make it. I have a couple times, and was happy with it! thank you again for another excellent video!

  2. D C
    D C says:

    I tried this. I'm an experienced cook and followed the directions. As for cooking, mine looked exactly like the video, but once poured into a mason jar and refrigerated, it never got any thicker. I don't know what I did wrong.

  3. EBoy Tuber
    EBoy Tuber says:

    ā€¦ OR just not have anything sweet tasting in our diet. Have a few good berries occasionally with heavy cream. Artificially sweetened food only maintains a taste for sweet things and you ingest all those chemicals. It is better to train our tastebuds away from sweet flavours.

  4. Beth Wood
    Beth Wood says:

    Love this recipe!! Hubs and I try to stay away from sweet things because it can lead to bad cheats but every now and then we have to have a treat for a special occasion. This will allow us the occasional key lime pie! If anyone has a recipe for quick fudge using this condensed milk our Christmas would be even better!!

  5. Drea Benson
    Drea Benson says:

    So the legendary story of tainted Halloween candy started because a man poisoned his family (?) on Halloween and the police thought it was from the candy at first. Is was in the 1950ā€™s or 60ā€™s from what I recall. Which isnā€™t much.

  6. Tonya S
    Tonya S says:

    Thank you for sharing this recipe. I missed having coffee with condensed milk. I made it and itā€™s delicious. I used Lakanto powered sugar. ā¤

  7. Judith Lund
    Judith Lund says:

    Is it the Allulose that makes your condensed milk have a caramel colour??
    I live in Oz and apparently our food board (or whatever) donā€™t class it as a food, so we want it we need to buy on line and shipping is a killer cost, so I use a sweetener mix of erythritol/xylitol and stevia and the condensed milk I have made is a creamy to white colour. (This mix doesnā€™t crystallise in the fridgeā€¦.I use it for everything)
    Just wondering because the caramel colour makes it look quite yummy. šŸ˜‹šŸ˜‹šŸ˜

  8. mrsB Murray
    mrsB Murray says:

    Busting the ā€œurban legendā€ of razor blades in the halloweā€™en candy. I grew up in the era when this WAS a thing! We DID receive candy w all sorts of items stuck in (yes, razor blades were one of them, also straight pins, ask the kids I knew who got cut) That was actually why we were no longer allowed to go out in the neighborhood and started having private home parties.

  9. Lighthousefan
    Lighthousefan says:

    Looks so good. But having chronic fatigue and chronic migraines I have very little energy to make anything that requires any amount of time. If I can't microwave it or put in an instant pot or air fryer it doesn't get made.šŸ˜¢

  10. Melanie deJonge
    Melanie deJonge says:

    Yeah, this is the basis for the majority of Asian desserts. As an Indo girl (Dutch-Indonesian), Iā€™d be super sad if there wasnā€™t a way to make this low carb! šŸ˜Š

  11. The Raw Egg Files
    The Raw Egg Files says:

    I've made this so many times, and it always comes out amazing. I'm glad it's not made commercially for the Keto clan because it would just be riddled with chemicals and thickening gums, none of which are needed if this is done right. I've made Tres Leches cakes with this, and flan, and Delce de Leche.


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