The Musical Fruit – Nutrition Tier Lists: Beans

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While come may see them as just calories in a can, beans are one of the most foundational foods on Earth, with some cultures …

43 replies
  1. Archer ArΓ©li
    Archer ArΓ©li says:

    This campaign of studies against Soy beans has been funded directly from the competing industries: The Meat and Dairy industries.

    Organic Soy is extremely nutritious and vital to the human body. You’d have to consume a few kilograms of soy every single day for it to have any negative effect on Estrogen/ Hormone levels….. there is so much crap being propagated online. Tofu has been consumed for thousands of years in a safe manner by millions and millions of plant-based people. It could literally be considered a super food. If you search for the counter studies to the anti-soy studies: you will find the truth. πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ§¬βœ¨

  2. Latter Rain
    Latter Rain says:

    I think the baked beans criticism isn’t completely fair. In the UK baked beans have far less sugar than American baked beans. We even have popular baked beans that have zero added sugar (and zero artificial sweeteners) and no preservatives.

  3. Maelos
    Maelos says:

    Some interesting ideas you could do: dairy product tier list, cooking oil/fat tier list, grain tier list (rice, different wheats, etc., maybe include flour-based products?), beverage tier list (milk, thea, water, different additives for beverages, etc.), etc. I'm essentially using your list to make my own short-list for potential meal preps, so i'd be interested in seeing any and all of those haha.

  4. Jesse Frazier
    Jesse Frazier says:

    We grow our own green beans and wait until they form large beans inside. They look and taste exactly the same as pinto beans after there cooked but do not give me any kind of intestinal discomfort. I can eat a whole plate full of these beans with 0 gas lol. We usually can 50-60 jars a year. Any idea of the nutritional value of these beans?

  5. G
    G says:

    These food rankings are great!

    Thank for the contribution!

    A couple of thoughts:

    1) It would be even more helpful if you labeled each food item in the summary slide, as you did with Beans. I took screenshots of the summary slides (to put on my fridge) but I sometimes can’t differentiate or identify some items with only images, even though the images are very good. lamb vs goat vs mutton, ground pork vs ground turkey; is that gourd squash? What are those little white nuts? It would be awesome if you could edit the final slides in your past videos.

    2) After you place each ranked item on the summary slide, could you please pause for a second or two before going to the next item? In some cases, you paste the image then in a quarter second you are on to the next item. I’m probably slow, but it doesn’t give me time to internalize and β€œconclude” each item.

    For your own branding and IP protection, you may want to add your channel name or something to each summary slide, for those of us who save/reuse your conclusions.

    Please keep these videos coming! I’ve shared them with friends and family.

    Thanks again!

  6. Christine Robinson
    Christine Robinson says:

    Sometimes "you and I" is correct, sometimes not. Sometimes "you and me" is incorrect, and sometimes it is correct. How can you tell which is right? Leave the other person out of your sentence. "You and I went to the store" is correct because "I went to the store" is correct. "Spare you and I from boredom" is wrong because "Spare I from boredom" is wrong. You're welcome! πŸ™ƒ

  7. Kellycasper Hanson
    Kellycasper Hanson says:

    I'm a vegetarian, so I'm thrilled to find your channel tonightπŸ˜„!

    I'm surprised, though, to hear you repeat the MYTH that beans are an "incomplete protein."

    That was an idea published in the 60's in a book called "Diet For A Small Planet." The author just said it without ANY SCIENCE to back it up.

    People have been repeating this myth ever since. It sounds right, but it's not.

    It's still being taught in nutrition classes by unsuspecting teachers, because that's what someone told them, and so the myth gets passed down to each new generation.

  8. KS Brook
    KS Brook says:

    Just as the material started to run together, he gets my attention with adding jelly beans. Love the sense of humor, and appreciate the thorough research. Thank you.

  9. Amazing Philippines
    Amazing Philippines says:

    Mung beans are very popular here in the Philippines. Several other imported beans are also available. Interesting discussion. I will pressure cook and use more beans in the future adding them to other meals.

  10. Lou Wyasket
    Lou Wyasket says:

    Hello! I really enjoy your videos and would like to suggest the following tier lists:

    -Caffiene sources (coffee, green tea, black tea, common energy drink vs 'healthy' energy drink, pre workout)
    -Sugar sources and sugar free replacements
    -Grains / Flour and flour substitutes
    -Salad Dressings
    -Protien mix
    -Tier list of raw foods for those with IBS/Gastrotestinal issues
    -Precooked prepared 'frozen' meals
    -Gas station foods (for those traveling and on the go)
    -If you want controversy you can even approach common fast food restaurants and their #1 sold food or their #1 'healthy' food

    I am unsure if you want to discuss branded or premade foods but I thought I'd suggest them.


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