The Mississippi Slugburger – How to Make America's Strangest Hamburger – Food Wishes

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I’m excited to show you my take on one of America’s strangest hamburgers, and certainly the hamburger with the strangest name.

21 replies
  1. aaaaa1957
    aaaaa1957 says:

    Can you use pork rinds instead of bread? I’m diabetic and adding bread to anything is a no-no for me. I use low carb slice bread ( 19 grams carbs ) instead of a bun ( more than 30 grams ) for everything. Thanks for sharing

  2. kahlzun
    kahlzun says:

    Nickels used to be called slugs. used to say "give me two slugs for a president". So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the fashion at the time….

  3. MurderMostFowl
    MurderMostFowl says:

    I add fine breadcrumbs to ground beef when I make taco meat. Not a huge amount, just enough to help stretch the meat. Don’t pour off the grease ( well some of it if you’re using High fat content beef ) It gives it a surprisingly good texture and soaks up spices in the fat.

  4. SGT Keroro
    SGT Keroro says:

    The cadence of your voice is very unique. It sounds like you're doing an impression of somebody from back in the day. Maybe even like an old school pastor reading from his notes. The last word is almost always dragged out and you emphasize the commas.

  5. B O'R
    B O'R says:

    Sundays we would serve meatloaf dinners, Mondays blue-plate would be refried meatloaf sandwiches on texas toast. This reminds me of that. 🙂 Yummy warm memories….

  6. R Jay
    R Jay says:

    I wonder if This is what my boyfriend's grandma made for him in Mississippi when he was a kid🤔 we've tried several different things but it's just not here 🧐


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