The keto mistake I wish I could undo

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My mom and I made a LOT of mistakes our first time on keto. Don’t get stalled longer than you have to – learn from us.

48 replies
  1. @Ken-vu2sm
    @Ken-vu2sm says:

    Didn't understand anything you said, if you make videos please don't chat so fast and explain things in a better way, majority of people are not as interligent as you and don't understand what it is your saying

  2. @sparrowspaulding
    @sparrowspaulding says:

    We must think about this logically. In Dr. Boz's video on statins she details out how the liver gets saturated with fats and turns into cirrhosis. When your liver is in crisis, we should NOT eat a high fat diet. We should get those fats out first and CLEANSE our poor livers before clogging it up further. Think about pouring oil down your garbage disposal- at some point it's going to totally clog. My approach is the opposite and I see astounding results every single time. Lower fat, higher protein, lots of veggies, and a few complex carbs like sweet potato, quinoa, and squash. Blood sugar is balanced by eating 3 meals and 1-2 snacks. And there's even dessert after dinner! When doctors try to become nutritionists, they mean well but it's like they picked up a book and started reading it in the middle- they don't have the full picture. If you want help with these things seek out a qualified nutritionist! These fad diets are NOT where it's at- they all come with a price. I had a patient years ago (68, diabetic, had 4 strokes, obese) who ended up in the hospital with a blood sugar over 600 because she ate over half a jar of almond butter with her celery (her serving size was 1 oz). Everyone was stunned because the almond butter was low carb and no sugar, but it was because doctors don't get that high fat can also raise blood sugar.

  3. @corteltube
    @corteltube says:

    Really wish all you experts could get it together on ….anything…eat earlier, eat later, don’t do this or that, the other says do it…it’s like religion…who of the 100 “experts” is correct?

  4. @MortynFriends
    @MortynFriends says:

    Im done with the internet. Everyone knows everythijg about everything. Just do what feels good for your body and stop spiraling through everyones opinions. Everyones different.

  5. @SpecterWSA
    @SpecterWSA says:

    my strips always said im not in ketosis in the morning, no matter what i ate for dinner, or time etc. as soon as I had lunch though they be fine IDK why. diebetic etc but still cant figure it out

  6. @deborahsmith6782
    @deborahsmith6782 says:

    I don’t understand why we would have to keep eating less and less on carnivore, eventually we would be in a large calorie deficit right? Wrong? And I tried to eat sardines but the taste to me was horrible – I admire others who can eat them but not me… please explain, is there an end to the stressing metabolism and progressively eating less?

  7. @Brett235
    @Brett235 says:

    Refined sugar and ultra processed foods are what is killing us. If the ingredients list is a paragraph then leave it alone. Bread, for example, should have 4 ingredients, salt, flour, yeast and water, that's it.
    Also, eat clean foods when you're hungry and don't eat when you're not. Drink water with salt added. Stay away from carbohydrates as much as possible. Exercise regularly. Don't say that you can't exercise, my son is disabled from a stroke and exercises everyday.

  8. @istt7114
    @istt7114 says:

    Question and comment. Is it OK to use a tiny amount of sucralose for that one cup of coffee in the morning? Comment. Never use the word "pee" rather than "urinate." It makes you sound like a blue-collar worker rather than a well-educated doctor. I know some people use the word to try to come down to some people's level, but that is a huge mistake when trying to educate people.

  9. @helenahayes6150
    @helenahayes6150 says:

    And now there is a massive big study with over 20,000 showing that intermittent fasting massively increases the risk of serious heart issues. I think it was undertaken by the heart foundation but I could be wrong. It made headlines in Australia.

  10. @uhlijohn
    @uhlijohn says:

    I have been on a low-carb diet for about 2 months. I eat about 50 to 60 grams of carbs per day. I eat 2 eggs and 4 half strips of bacon every morning and fast until 5 PM when I have my main meal which is low carb. I no longer eat bread, pasta, or potatoes. My Accu-Check glucometer is useless. It gives me crazy readings even though I am on a low carb diet. It seemed to be reading correctly at first with my blood glucose levels gently falling but now the thing has gone bonkers and I am getting ridiculous readings from it. It is useless. I suspect that the blood-glucose narrative is similar to HDL-LDL cholesterol baloney. Statin drugs are BIG money makers for drug companies and they are heavily invested in spreading propaganda to make public (and docs) believe cholesterol is "bad" for you. Nonsense. We NEED cholesterol to live. Cholesterol, like salt, has been demonized to make money for drug companies.

  11. @orionxavier6957
    @orionxavier6957 says:

    My comfort food on keto is Zevia soda. No fat, no calories, just stevia, monk fruit, water, carbonation. Although I would recommend stirring it in a glass to get rid of the carbonation because it has a LOT and it will create a lot of gas.

  12. @DarthQueefious
    @DarthQueefious says:

    I started meat keto and within 6 weeks my heart didn't feel right. I lost some weight but it seemed high risk. I changed to a more keto Mediterranean with a decent but not crazy cal restriction (1700 per day, but without the sugary stuff and rice/pasta/taters I often fell below to around 1400) and continued to lose weight whilst feeling much better. Was 227lbs on Jan 1st, now 190lbs, I could've been lower had I continued exercise. Allowed myself goals of having a Chinese takeaway every 10lbs lost, just with cauliflower rice instead of normal rice.
    Used to eat sweets/candy all the time, now I have no interest in them (4 months ago I'd have believed anything but that), closest I get to sweets is some 85% dark chocolate & plenty of sugar free chewing gum. I didn't go on a diet, I changed my diet.

  13. @Livetoeat171
    @Livetoeat171 says:

    There is so much you have to keep track up on the ketogenic diet such as your ketone levels, how much carbohydrates you can eat, which vegetables are good to eat and which ones aren't, etc. etc.! I did the keto diet for two weeks and it's too complicated and time consuming. Plus, I had cravings all the time because I was still allowed to have some carbs. I decided to go to carnivore and it's been a year and a half now and I will never go back to eating all that garbage and I no longer have any cravings for carbs or sugar.

  14. @Sconzette
    @Sconzette says:

    I came across some information online that suggests that red meat is inflammatory, and therefore, should be avoided if someone has (idiopathic) small fiber neuropathic pain. However, I read carnivore doctors here say red meat is not inflammatory and can aid in healing nerve damage. Could you please help me understand this better? Thank you.

  15. @findingtifa
    @findingtifa says:

    I am doing it for health reasons but thi diet are super boring to me I get discuss at the meat taste alot never was big on eating meat and still is stressful to mantain this diet ….


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