The HGTV House Flipper Killer? – When Dream Homes Are Nightmares | Cooking Fried Milk Mukbang

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35 replies
  1. Stephanie Soo
    Stephanie Soo says:

    It's healthy for couples to talk to each other. That's exactly what Mrs. C was trying to do to keep her marriage alive.
    She would come home to tell her husband bout the love triangle at work.
    Mr. C had no idea that his wife was telling him all the dirty details of her own affair.
    Or that it would lead to two people being stabbed.
    This was an insane one…
    ROTTEN MANGO PODCAST (Apple Podcasts) ⚡️

  2. Risa Namsechi
    Risa Namsechi says:

    It sounds like Stephfiance needs to get worked up for possible Narcolepsy with cataplexy. Strong emotion can trigger episodes. A sleep specialist or neurologist could help. (source – am neurology resident)

  3. Audrey Saynes
    Audrey Saynes says:

    hey, steph! there was a study regarding the brain’s response to conflict/high stress situation. scientists found that there are some people whose immediate reaction to stressful situations is to fall asleep. i think (i’m not 100% sure) it’s the chemical reactions in the brain coupled with the fall of adrenaline after the conflict. i hope this helps. for extra research, just search “why some people respond to stress by falling asleep”, and it might answer some of your questions. have a good day, biss!


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