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44 replies
  1. Angel’s Diamonds
    Angel’s Diamonds says:

    I wish I was able to give my daughter a sister or brother but life and doctors had other plans for me took me 13 years to have her then when she was 3/4 years old moved to Australia stayed there for awhile while there near then end of 2014 the one day I wasn’t feeling well at all go see the doc there he tells me oh u have pneumonia puts me on antibiotics if this don’t work we will put u on another for the week after nothing helped week after that nothing by this time I couldn’t even have the energy to take me daughter to school cos we would catch the bus down the street and get off by the shop and walk her up the hill to school after while I couldn’t hubby had to take her in the afternoon when we went to pick her up just walking from where we parked to her class I was drained so no no body sent me to hospital then we had Christmas and both of us got sent back on a plane back to South Africa till January 5th Rolled around ia there day ingat so sick i couldn’t even eat anything or drink for 3 weeks had lost over 30 kgs 2 weeks in I had to beg for a SIM card cos u need a whole bunch of paper work just to get a card since I didn’t have any of that since we had closed everything before we left I had to rely on so called family for help so only later in the week did my hubby know how sick I had gotten cos he was still in Australia selling our stuff, I couldn’t almost walk it went downhill fast after that to the point where I need3d help with everything I had to do me and hubby taught myself to walk eat sleep to hold a plastic cup cos I had lost all felling in my whole entire body u could slap me probably ride a car over my foot I would feel nothing, so that’s why I couldn’t have another baby cos I’m still recovering now 7 years later 7 cos January 5th went past I’m now to the point where I can feel hot water I couldn’t before had to wait for a bath diamond painting has helped me improve a lot over last year so there is some places that still hurt alot of has improved I did get to finally eat 5 months later was living on a protein drink but also has nutrition that has helped me a lot from when I couldn’t eat even today I still use it call ensure, so cos I couldn’t feel anything and couldn’t even look after myself hubby was my doctor nurse my physiotherapist my rock while dealing with me he still had to look after our daughter that poor guy wasn’t getting enough sleep with me cos 30 mins was the max I could sleep then sit up for 3/4 hours then sleep for 30 mins again.and threw all this that was 2015 we still ended up getting married somehow I pulled off platform boots remember I can bearly walk but it rocked with my red wedding dress my daughter had the most parts to do this was in July 7 is my favourite number so she was 7 years old when we got married on the 7 day of the 7 month propose to 7 times LOL.. so because of the recovery I d9nt think I’m able to have more kids I’m in my early 40’s though I like to think I’m 21 years old and dress like a teenager and get told she’s my sister not my daughter it’s funny if u hear it and she will be 14 this year so she’s will be a only child but I would never ever change her for anything in the world she is my world she went threw alot when I was sick and somehow she was able to be strong I do thing it did affect her a bit but she never said anything and me and her are like glue she will tell me anything I’m very open minded I see things differently then my hubby, would I change things to have another child can’t I’m very happy just having my daughter as she is she is my guardian Angel

  2. Kamms
    Kamms says:

    Ok late to this video but could you do a tour of all your hats (ball caps and beenies)? You guys always have the best hats on. Love your Tokidoki one today.

  3. maryhough
    maryhough says:

    Say go and watch your videos and I do me and my husband loves you guys and watch our family and when y'all go and say that to let her y'all going to have to go to have to pay to watch all and we don't have the money to watch so so what are y'all going to do if people can't can't afford to watch out I like to know that

  4. Angel’s Diamonds
    Angel’s Diamonds says:

    My house always has woster sauce Worcestershire sauce just a short easy way of saying it I love it use it on most of my food and if I have to cook I add it hubby and daughter don’t like it but they don’t know I put it in and lemon juice love sour have found a new shooter easy to make lemon juice sugar absolute vodka and slice of lemon to bite after it’s the best had it New Year’s Eve at a Irish pub and restaurant was knocking them back at about 25 still dead sober

  5. Teri Cooper
    Teri Cooper says:

    Sorry I wasn't able to stay for the whole stream. But my daughter tested positive for bad strep throat and my son tested positive for Covid, yesterday at the doctors. I was so exhausted. Stay safe & love you guys.

  6. Duck Quack #1
    Duck Quack #1 says:

    Oooowwww you could do a down memory lane and show pics off you & hubby when you first met and pics off the girls when they were little that would be amazing like a time line off how you have all grown n progressed in life awww baby pics off Nancy would be lovely how sweet would that be xx

  7. Duck Quack #1
    Duck Quack #1 says:

    Hope you stick to YouTube as it’s the only social media I use and I’d miss you guys terribly,
    Marriage and who wins in an argument (you work it out between both off you no one wins it’s talked through) and me n my hubby don’t argue that much at all either 25:12 definitely true 💞

  8. Sarah D
    Sarah D says:

    Where I am from in the UK we say woo-ster-sha because I'm a geordie so we say er as a a (like when children first say the alphabet, ah not ay. Hope that makes sense) but usually the last bit is pronounced as sher.

  9. YouSoSilly
    YouSoSilly says:

    I really hope you move back to the states. there are so many job openings right now in the US. We need people back here who wanna work & have a trade 🙂 Plus Michiah is already employed by the US so it would be an easy transition & you could be with your mom & the girls would be back together. Win win win.

  10. Doodles
    Doodles says:

    Nancy your very right on the older and wiser.
    You also become more patient, hence the not so many arguments.
    I think you also are so used to the way each other thinks you become one.
    I can send my husband to the shop,forget to ask him for something and he will come back with it. Freaky? Maybe

    Only 15yrs here but have been together 17.5

  11. Jodie
    Jodie says:

    Take a much needed break for a week or two you all work so hard ..Aw I love the girls bond I'm now 31 and having my second witch should be due in late July early August there will be almost an 8 year gap between my daughter and this baby as I wasn't planing on having anymore children but my daughter is over the moon and can't wait :)..

  12. erna fisher
    erna fisher says:

    Hi Nancy, just watching your video, sorry I missed the live! Right now you are speaking on marriage and who wins an argument. Well, I have to say that my husband and I have been married for 20 years, 21 in July! I would also have to say that no one wins an argument. When you are wrong, you have to accept that you are wrong, and learn to say I'm sorry. Another thing is, sometimes you have to learn how to agree to disagree. You're not always going to have the same opinions or thoughts, and that is ok. Also, we might take a break from our argument or heated discussion, sometimes you have to walk away and cool off, and that's ok too. However, we Do Not leave the house angry or go to bed angry. We Always make sure we talk it out, even if we are up till 2 in the morning. This day and age, the world is too scary to let the little things in life get you down. You got married because you love each other, so why spend it fighting just to prove a point. Love each other each and every day for as long as you can!!! This is just the beginning of your video, so I might have a couple edits…lol. But for now, take care and stay safe!

    Edit: LOL… My Alexa heard you and set a timer for six hours… LOL!!!

  13. I'm not Twelve
    I'm not Twelve says:

    Patreon hides your content behind a paywall. Making it difficult to please current viewers and gain new ones. It's strength is it's not as harsh on Copyrighted material. Think of the times a speaker is over your gem game.

    Twitch is only live streams. During your live streams you may not get into trouble for some copyrighted material. Speaker over gem game is perfectlt fine. After your stream ends the stream is saved. Your saved stream can get in trouble for copyrights. — There is a TWIST! You are in Japan. While you are NOT on base you will not get in trouble because of Japanese laws. — There are many streamers in Japan and people that stream from Japan while visiting. The laws change depending on content and if you are on base or off base / in Japan. — I have watched Twitch streamers repair planes on base, prepare toy/clothes donations for children's hospitals, knit, farm, rehabilitate animals, make clothes from fabric for babies of. first time mothers, cook, make everything for advertisements, and build entire houses.

    YouTube is your best place to be. Twitch and Patreon aren't scary. Just remember Twitch is Streaming Only and Patreon is a Paywall for friends.

  14. Molly Wagstaffe
    Molly Wagstaffe says:

    A fantastic 2 and half hour stream gets me through my night shift. Happily listening to Nancy chat while I make pizzas and sandwiches and salads for a supermarket. Can you maybe play a game such as gartic phone or Jack box. Then other people can join in too?

  15. Tammie Lee
    Tammie Lee says:

    I'm 42 and my husband and I prepared everything in case we leave unexpectedly. Daily finances, taxes, properties, cremated or burial, donate organs or not and etc. I don't like surprises and tomorrow is not guaranteed.


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