The FASTEST Homemade Chicken Soup You Can Make

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Can you REALLY make chicken soup that tastes homemade in 15 min? Yes, and I’ll show you how. Save 33% on your first Native …

24 replies
  1. Scott Young
    Scott Young says:

    Thank you for all of your great videos!

    Sorry to bother you with such a simple question, but can I ask where you get your frozen mirepoix? Years ago, my local Walmart used to sell a mirepoix from Birdseye, and I used to buy it all the time. Then they stopped sellingnit, and I haven't seen it anywhere else since.

  2. Gaming with Tom
    Gaming with Tom says:

    I don’t know if you read every comment Brian but if you’re reading this, MORE SPEED SCRATCH PLEASE! You’re videos help me build confidence behind the kitchen. This video today is helping me enjoy homemade soup instead of can soup. Especially while I’m feeling under the weather today.

  3. Opus
    Opus says:

    This is pretty much exactly how I make chicken soup. I like cayenne in mine cause I am a spice addict but also its great for clearing out your sinuses. I've never tried it with swiss chard. totally gonna try this next time.


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