The easiest & most delicious fool-proof sourdough bread recipe for everyone including the beginners.

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To make this basic sourdough bread you need 700g room temperature water 200g sourdough starter 800g all purpose flour 200g …

33 replies
  1. MM
    MM says:

    Thank you for this Channel. We need to give you a Message from God: He loves you with deep and eternal love, Jesus is coming very soon!
    He gave his life to save your life and He wants you to put your life in His hands so that He can rescue you.
    The time has come for everybody in the world to know what is coming because we must be prepared for that.
    Read the Bible, especially Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21, Revelation 14:6-12. Very soon you will need to make your Final Decision. The prophecy says that very soon it will be a worldwide Law to rest on Sunday, thus ignoring the true day of God through all times: SATURDAY.
    God separated the Sabbath to rest from the creation of the world, and never declared in the Bible that He had changed His Sabbath day to Sunday.

    The only Saturdays that ceased to be kept were the Saturdays that had to do with the laws of Moses in ceremonies and rituals, but never was changed the Saturday of the Eternal Law of God from the Ten Commandments, stablished in the beginning of the world.
    God warned us in advance: They will soon put a Law to rest on Sunday, this Law does not come from God but from man. To save our souls and receive the Seal of God it will be necessary to accept Jesus as Saviour and be faithful to God resting on HIS SABBATH. On the other hand, accepting man's day on Sunday will be receiving the mark of the beast. We pray for your salvation.

    This is serious, important and eternal. Read the Bible and a book titled
    “The Great Controversy” that you can find free on internet. We must be prepared for the last movements!

    God bless you!

  2. Kris Marks
    Kris Marks says:

    I actually did make this and it turned out well but I have to raise my starter and dough in the oven on proof setting. I don't like really sour sourdough, and this recipe produced a sour version, so not my favorite but it did raise and turn out very nicely. If you like sour flavor a lot, this is a good one. And no, my chickens did not get their share 🙂

  3. M. F.
    M. F. says:

    Hi, Fiona. It’s been a while since you posted this video, but I just wanted to provide you and your viewers some positive feedback. I’ve made many, many loaves now using your method and the results are always amazing. I’ve made some of my best breads using your easy-to-follow instructions. Once again, thank you.

  4. T N
    T N says:

    I love your well-explained video. Thanks 🙏 For a beginner it’s pretty complex and the waiting time is crazy 😜 I need three days to eat a piece of bread.

  5. SL Bronner
    SL Bronner says:

    Fiona, you showed me a couple things that I was doing wrong and thanks to you I am finally on my way to baking sourdough bread with great crust and crumb. Thank you so much!


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