The Delicious Keto Cake Recipe by Dr.Berg & Karen Berg

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29 replies
  1. Fab Tequila
    Fab Tequila says:

    Sorry I saw one of your videos you said that protein and sugar should not be mixed together … there sugar that can be used instead of sweetener…I have very sensitive tastebuds..I can taste fake sugar of any kind straight away mainly because I grew up in a third world country we ate sugar cane all the time all the fake sugar really has a physical effect from funky after taste to headaches no jokes

  2. m noonoo
    m noonoo says:

    Ok Dr. BERG. YOU ARE MY LIFE SAVER. I LEARNED KETO FROM YOU ON YOUTUBE, I REACHED MY GOAL IN 4 MONTHS BUT STILL KEEP DOING KETO. I MAKE MY OWN BREAD, CAKE, cookies,.. all keto . Im not craving for anything anymore. Its my life style now. All my family eat same thing I cook ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜…I loose 100 gr a day in average which is great, I don't mind to loose more pounds . The best thing is you eat and not gaining plus more energy I have and my skin is like it too. ๐Ÿ˜‰ yesss I love cake but keto version ๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ˜‡

  3. Marko Van Dango
    Marko Van Dango says:

    I reckon Marie Antoinette was an advocate of Dr Berg's Healthy Keto when she allegedly responded to a remark that the peasants are revolting because they have no Bread, then let them eat Cake (possibly this Pecan cake mmmmm). She obviously knew that too many carbs from bread weren't good. Apparently Marie Antoinette never said those words, but it stuck.

  4. Doheny Nahela Fernandes e Rodrigues
    Doheny Nahela Fernandes e Rodrigues says:

    Hello Dr Berg I was soo excited to c this receipe until I heared eggs.., Iโ€™m allergic to eggs m not a vegan not at all but eggs r a big pain as Iโ€™m in Portugal n itโ€™s pretty difficult to find things without eggs forget healthyโ€ฆ. Ppls plz make a video for others too โ€ฆ I practice intermittent fasting 16/8 after I was diagnosed Vt a legion in my liver ( 6cms) m doing better now due to intermittent fasting ๐Ÿ™ thanks to u โ€ฆ uv helped me pick myself n thought me to give myself time to heal.. thank u soo much God bless ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜˜

  5. Danielle M (6Hypnone)
    Danielle M (6Hypnone) says:

    Ok what if on low fodmap (so no swerve) and dairy free, as anything but raw dairy is inflammatory? I find usually, there is at least one thing I cannot have, or anyone eating really healthy, in every mixed food item, so gotta say screw it and don't dive in, else I'd be dead from not eating. Just way too restrictive. I don't think humans are meant to eat super, super restrictive of natural foods


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