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Hey there! (this has some spoilers so if you wanna get into it without any context read this after watching c:) wow. i can’t believe …

28 replies
  1. Keiki
    Keiki says:

    One thing I was wondering is that the description of Fontaine's quest item seems very much to be the point of view of Aeon XI or a follower of his

    After all, it is literally a nilist black hole

  2. Giavanni Colon
    Giavanni Colon says:

    To me, furina is still the archon, she played the part for 500 years and carried this weight on ber shoulders for so long. I guess in a since, furina is like the president instead of a god?

  3. The Magical 15
    The Magical 15 says:

    5:18:34 you know it would be amazing if fontanians celebrate that day as a festival because it technically means being born anew. This image is what an archon would usually do for their subjects. But this time it was Neuvillette who gave them a new form of life that wont be threatened by the waters of this continent ever again. Its worth celebrating

  4. Geneva
    Geneva says:

    You are one of my fav streamers. Getting trough everything with you once more is always so much fun.
    I would not be surprised, if Skirk comes from the abyss or maybe even deep in Khaenria'h…where the goods gaze not fall 😉

  5. Aashka Patel
    Aashka Patel says:

    The prophecy as a whole was that Fontaine would be submerged and only then would the sins be washed away. The main problem was that fontainians would ALSO get dissolved as they were made of primordial seawater. But since Neuvillette forgave them for their sins at the end, it canceled that out and viola! Fontaine still flooded and the prophecy came true but the people didn’t dissolve. So now Celestia has no choice but to forgive Fontaine and now since Neuv is in power they don’t hold any authority over Fontaine. All in all, Forcalors what a GENIUS

  6. Unhappy.timeleaper
    Unhappy.timeleaper says:

    I feel like I’m the opposite of everyone, this quest honestly kinda made me dislike Furina more and not so much “her” but I just wish Genshin would do something different with its characters. I disliked her in the last few acts which is what made me like her; I think it’s easy to make a character sympathetic to audiences but even harder to make them care for those with “bad” traits for them point of being bad— take Raiden for example in lore.

    I genuinely liked the concept of an Archon who had warp perspectives on its people and the contingencies of law under the idea entertainment, something that is so prevalent in today’s culture, that would have been interesting to keep around as over time we become more desensitized to it. Having aspects of the story stay the same but have Furina fundamentally change into someone who was bratty, over the top, and often disconnected from reality while having those moments of faulting clarity to her actions would have been so interested and I think kept her in a position that stood out from all the other “bad to redeemed” arcs we’ve gotten. I also just wish it showed how even with “acting” how having the perceived power would alter someone since all of the archon now just have that “one of the people” notions but give us archon corruption arc!!

    Idk I just hope soon Genshin could give us something that allowed for different take on regions that have intense arcs without justification through quick resolve AQs

  7. beeanx
    beeanx says:

    I didn’t mind Furinas over the top personality, I did like that she was very theatrical and dramatic, though there were times when I thought it was a bit too much, but I still couldn’t dislike her. I liked how it was all an act in the end because she’s genuinely such a sweet and selfless person (this quest made me sob) I love Furina

  8. SlayeRGoD Gaming
    SlayeRGoD Gaming says:

    Now it makes sense why we (player) get the pew pew abilities instead of the summoned creatures since
    **** SPOILERS******

    Furina is not a Archon and we get the downgraded abilities of an ARCHON in every region.
    Now the question is why do we get the downgraded version of Neuvellette's abilities tho? Maybe cuz he is the leader of Fontaine? Or maybe cuz he is the Hydro Sovereign?i

  9. The Magical 15
    The Magical 15 says:

    2:23:12 yes thats exactly it. gods cant see the thoughts of a person. This reminded me of Nahida hiding scaramouche's story in the form of a fairytale in her consciousness so that she will remember in case it gets deleted. That must be how focalors existed too all this time

  10. EiraQueenofSnow
    EiraQueenofSnow says:

    I always knew the bombastic personality was an act cause it so often is and that is part of what I loved about her. THe exposing of the softer more down to earth side of her just showed what I already knewwas there and I love getting to see it.

  11. chibishoyo
    chibishoyo says:

    Rednas saying he loves Childe now was the biggest dub for me as someone who played the game just because of Childe. I love the man so much and his desire to protect children's dreams is so precious to me, just like Yoimiya. 🥺

  12. Mare
    Mare says:

    I too would be sad when genshin's story will come to an end. Its for other stories too, i felt sad whenever a good movie end. Thankfully fanfictions exist


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