The CLASSIC soup I’ve been making on repeat this winter.

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Instant Pot Split Pea and Ham Soup Recipe: – 1 Tbsp oil, butter, or bacon fat – 1 onion – 2 celery – 2 carrots – 3 cloves garlic – 1 …

17 replies
  1. malcontent
    malcontent says:

    [I'm frustrated that no one sells individual stalks of celery here; I only need a couple! I'd happily pay a premium to avoid the waste. I'd never use an entire bunch, so I just skip it whenever I make soup.]

  2. malcontent
    malcontent says:

    Paula — I just made a batch of split pea soup in my IP last week, and it was great. I used some cubed pre-cooked smoked sausage, but I'll probably go with bacon next time.

  3. Yami Bakura
    Yami Bakura says:

    I love split pea soup! I usually throw ham hocks in there to cook with the peas in addition to the sliced ham after. It makes the soup thicker and gives a contrasting meat texture

  4. Erin Chamberlain
    Erin Chamberlain says:

    Soup is always my favorite go to. It's such a great way to get vegetables in and leftovers as well. Split pea and ham is one of my favorites. I've made it with smoked turkey before as well and it's phenomenal. Thanks for sharing!

  5. stevedownthestreet
    stevedownthestreet says:

    I love split pea soup with ham! I’ve been making it for many years, mostly in a slow cooker, but lately on the stove top. It took me a while to figure out to add thyme. Sometimes when the soup is finished cooking I blend it smooth with an immersion blender. It’s my number one soup!

  6. Terry Lyle
    Terry Lyle says:

    Since you asked, it's been many years since I've eaten split pea soup. Which is a shame since I do love it. You've inspired me to get back at it. And your simple straight forward recipe is perfect! Thanks!

  7. 710LENNY
    710LENNY says:

    There are no hospital cafeterias anymore. This served to patients, doctors, staff and visitors would be miles above the crap the patients get (trust me on this!) and much better than the choice that staff and visitors get of pizza, do-nuts and crappy sandwiches.


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