The Camp Cooking Hack You Need to Know!

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28 replies
  1. John Price
    John Price says:

    I mix a half cup flour (or about) with a half teaspoon on dry yeast, quarter tsp of salt and maybe some spices like basil, dill, sage, savory, garlic powder, onion powder, etc. and carry in a ziploc bag. I can then make pan bread, pizza dough, biscuits or whatever. I also carry some olive oil, which helps with pan bread.

  2. Dribrom Sunrock
    Dribrom Sunrock says:

    First of all no pizza shop ever use a rolling pin to make a pizza. Any Italian would rather commit suicide before using a rolling pin on the pizza dough. You use your hands and hands alone. I bet any New Yorker would shoot you in the head for using a rolling pin on a pizza.

  3. Thomaso
    Thomaso says:

    I made a pie. Needed a rolling pin. Had one at one time. Looked for it. Not available. 😮. Made the ball of dough put it on the counter and pressed it flat with my hands. Worked better than a rolling pin.

  4. William Burdon
    William Burdon says:

    just a fat stick works too , cut it the size of your plate ,take the bark off and then carve the ends thinner to make handles , if your water bottles are more square than round

  5. Alpha-2-Omega
    Alpha-2-Omega says:

    I miss all the cooking with coalcracker videos. Will those ever come back on the regular? Will they have their own channel or playlist? Everyone loves a delicious meal. Even more so when camping or in a survival situation.

  6. Richard Christian
    Richard Christian says:

    If you want thin crust pizzas, use large flour tortillas – lightly coat both sides with olive oil, add sauce and toppings. cook in reflector oven or large covered skillet. 450 to 500 degrees – 12 to 15 minutes. No rolling pin needed. makes a good pie crust also.


    Im grandpa used to carry bakery mix or all-purpose flour in a jar 🫙 he'll put a layer of flour in the bottom put eggs 🥚 in thier shell cover them flour and then another thick layer on top and then more eggs and the more flower layers to protect the eggs from breaking!


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