The Biggest Myths About Canned Beans

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Mushy, boring, poor excuse for real food? Before you say “bean” there, done that to this pantry staple, you may want to check out …

23 replies
  1. Charlie Davis
    Charlie Davis says:

    If youre on a budget, a pound of dried beans will make the equivalent of 4 large cans of canned beans at about one quarter the cost, especially if soaked overnight and cooked in a crockpot. They can be frozen or pressure canned for later use. Much healthier than canned beans as there's no chemicals or preservatives and you control the amount of salt, sugar, spices or other ingredients. So, whether you make baked beans, refried beans, ranch beans, chili beans or plain beans you can easily make and can or freeze them yourself. Just say no to canned beans.

  2. J S
    J S says:

    Who wrote this nonsense? Canned beans are one of the least nutritious foods in existence. The canning process destroys any nutritional value. Any nutritionist would just shake their head at this video

  3. art cook
    art cook says:

    A lie of deceat canned beans hv less nutrients because of higher heat of 450 degrees in the process destroy all live enzymes and 80 percent of the trace minerals , when you cook at home they do not reach that high temperature 😑

  4. Jeffrey Loose
    Jeffrey Loose says:

    Freaked me out hearing tacobell brand of any type was found by anybody to be superior. I may definetly be biased, but no judgment… well… No judgment as long as $$$ aren't driveing the outcome of the taste test, Just ironic laughter!!!

  5. Sans Neural
    Sans Neural says:

    Oh, no! Big Bean has gotten to Mashed!

    Meh, I've never heard anyone serious propagate these "myths" except maybe the Paleo freaks… but they're full of *bleep*, not myths. Do you know what Paleolithic people really ate? Any damn thing they could find.

  6. jt elevenoyd
    jt elevenoyd says:

    HA! MY CULINARY ARTISTRY IS HEREBY VINDICATED! (Happy Dance! Happy Dance!) Next person who gives me crap about my love of canned beans, I'm going to hog-tie 'em and make 'em watch this!


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