The Biggest Mistakes Everyone Makes When Cooking Mushrooms

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Mushrooms are wonderful to keep on hand because the subtle, nutty flavor can enhance so many dishes. Whether you like to add mushrooms on top of frozen …

21 replies
  1. R3fug33
    R3fug33 says:

    Lmao a lot of this is shitty advice. Boiling mushrooms give a completely different taste. It's a perfectly valid option. Also the tearing vs cutting is stupid. There is literally no difference in texture.

  2. The Falcon Nation
    The Falcon Nation says:

    Wash your mushrooms. This just dramatizes how much access water they absorb which is so tiny it's practically irrelevant + when you cook them most of the water evaporates anyways rendering that waterlog argument pointless.

  3. Colin Smith
    Colin Smith says:

    For best results mushrooms should be as fresh as possible. I cook mine as soon as possible after purchase then refrigerate when cooled, then when I need some I heat them in the microwave I've also found that a good old sprinkling of pepper can't be overdone during the cooking. Never leave the supermarket without buying mushrooms.


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