The Best Way To Deep Fry Anything | Epicurious 101

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Professional chef Adrienne Cheatham demonstrates everything you need to know in order to get fully-cooked, crispy results when …

34 replies
  1. Dr. Braxy Gilkey Cruises
    Dr. Braxy Gilkey Cruises says:

    I don't deep fry (or fry at all) anything. Instead, I use the air fryer for everything. Just as crunchy and amazing without all the oil. I just use Avocado Oil Spray and make sure I completely spray coat everything. Best "fried" chicken in the land!

  2. Sai Kiran Avala
    Sai Kiran Avala says:

    Damn it Epicurious you're better than this, please include units atleast in the text graphics, for someone like me with zero knowledge of cooking and not knowing the ballpark of things it's straight up confusing or dangerous even.

  3. Joseph
    Joseph says:

    Alternative Title" The Best to "Posh up" deep frying lol. This lady using Tweezers hahaahah! and not once she talked about any safety precautions lol!

  4. Bo b
    Bo b says:

    This is more like deep frying one-half. So many other foods. More about different oils. Fish and chips. How do you not do fish & chips???

    Check out serious eats for how to use gelatin to filter gunk out of your oil and use it longer.

    Still love you guys, but not your best work today. I’ll wait for deep frying 102.

  5. Toxicity
    Toxicity says:

    I think I would have liked to hear more about other types of oils and if there's anything specific different items need when deep fried–like, anything specific we need to know about chicken strips, french fries (double fry?), tempura, candy bars, oreos, ice cream, vegetables (blanched?), fish filets etc?

  6. shize9ine
    shize9ine says:

    This made me really want to get back into frying stuff. I used to fry lots of things weekly with a frydaddy. I would buy the 5 gallon container of oil from Costco or Sam's club. One night there was a racket underneath the sink. Both cats were in the kitchen with poofy tails. I open the cabinet and there is an opossum inside the oil container with the top chewed off without a care in the world. He lazily looked up and made eye contact and then he looked back down and continued to bathe in his liquid dinner. I closed the child proof cabinet and nope'd back to bed. Haven't fried anything since.

  7. Susan Woodcarver
    Susan Woodcarver says:

    Would have liked to see how you strained the oil, suggestions on different things to use to filter out the small particles, and the container you used to store it. Also, info on how long you could store it in the refrigerator (I’m guessing you store used oil in the fridge, I could be wrong).

    It isn’t easy handling a pot like that (I have one and it’s really heavy) especially when filled with oil. If, as a professional chef, you have any tips on how to handle the pot while filtering the oil, I would LOVE to have seen it.



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