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46 replies
  1. Little Scott
    Little Scott says:

    I’ve been cooking for 20+ years and I’ve never seen someone put a can of biscuits into a liquid before cooking. I love your videos. Between Sonny and Sam I’m getting a CIA (Culinary Institute of America) education.

  2. Jane smith
    Jane smith says:

    Sam, I'm a new subscriber and would love to share your channel with many people, but (with today's economy and everything else that's going on with food prices), in good conscious I'm reluctant to do so. Some if not most of the ingredients (and utensils as seen below the description box) used in your recipes are far more expensive for most unemployed, fixed income or strict budget people / consumer to acquire. I do understand that the utensils for sale are an advertising ploy to turn one's own situation to his/ your advantage. Hey, I get it business is business… do your thing. All I ask is if you could find your way clear to give your audience less expensive (considering today's HIGH economic prices), ingredients to substitute in your recipes. LOL, a knife for $79.00 I can use scissors. Hey ease up it was a joke!

  3. Sam Brown
    Sam Brown says:

    OK hope you see this, I've been watching you for a while now and have tried a few of your recipes and all I can say is WOW. I've searched your back videos and can't find what I'm going to ask for, Swedish meatballs, I love them but haven't been able to find a good tasting recipe. Hope you can help.

  4. R0ckd0ct0r
    R0ckd0ct0r says:

    Sam, I know you like to use these pre-made ingredients to help people who don't normally cook but in Australia (where I am obviously) there is no such thing as frozen/pre-made “biscuits”. Can you please suggest a recipe that I can replicate to create something similar to those biscuits. Could I use a scone dough, or do I need something with more gluten development?

  5. Steve Foltz
    Steve Foltz says:

    I made this today. The only thing i did different was to use a glass dish to cook in. 350 degrees for 30 minutes. Unfortunately the buiscuts were under cooked and doughy. They were browned on top so I thought it was done. Maybe cast iron heats and cooks the internals better. The flavors were good though.

  6. Tenshi Chan
    Tenshi Chan says:

    Ummmm, Sam, what are we doing with this cross contamination, my guy? Dipping the spoon from the raw egg and then back into the pesto jar? Max should be given a spray bottle to use when you forget things and/or cross contaminate. More fun for us, and less salmonella for them, I call this a complete win! hehe

  7. Tom Jr Jackson
    Tom Jr Jackson says:

    @Sam The Cooking Guy since I am from the east coast in Rhode Island we call Sopressata "Soupy" and alot of people make it at home. My mom's side of the family still does it. So if you can't pronounce Sopressata call it Soupy. Now you know.


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