The Best Chicken Soup – Cooking Kosher

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Welcome back to Cooking Kosher! Today, I’ll be making the best chicken soup (in my experience) using the best, freshest …

47 replies
  1. A AFM
    A AFM says:

    Here I am , late remarking… you are delightful and a joy to watch. Loved hearing kids in background. And I will make this soup. Touched by prayer before you ate- very.

  2. Vicflash
    Vicflash says:

    So I just made this. Local meat mkt(I'm very very rural) had drumsticks $0.97/lb) so this was a great budget meal(s). House smells wonderful. I added more water and noodles. Big shout out to thank you.

  3. عبد رب النبي عبدالمجيد
    عبد رب النبي عبدالمجيد says:

    Thank you so very much for making this video and thank so very very very much for not putting any music in your video because part of watching cooking videos to me is to relax but having music in cooking videos kills this relaxation and make these videos annoying and unnatural to me because I can not hear the sound of cooking, so thank you so much

  4. Less1leg Pirate
    Less1leg Pirate says:

    I found the inner leafs and stocks of celery the sweetest and less bitter. The outer ring of celery tends to carry over a tart or bitter taste. I never used fresh dill before, thanks for that idea.

  5. Capa 613
    Capa 613 says:

    I like your spirit! Great presentation. But olive oil, fried onions, garlic have not been part of real ashkenazi chicken soup. I am glad you didn't use potatoes. Also, if I am not mistaken, there's no point using EXTRA VIRGIN olive oil for frying, since high temperature ruins all the healthy qualities in it. Shana tova.


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