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Once again we’re putting ‘the best burger I’ve ever made’ to the test’ and today is a BIG ONE as we try something that we’ve never …

46 replies
  1. Steven Wright
    Steven Wright says:

    I am a new guy watching your channel I also got my wife to start watching. A huge shout out to Chance and Max .. you guys are cool beans 
. Question though
. I was wondering if you could cover a brief segment on The outdoor equipment you use to grill and cook on
. And why you like using it and the ease of it. Thanks again .

  2. Polly Kent
    Polly Kent says:

    "I love being told what to do." Insert Max's usual quip here.

    How about "Can you burrito it?" inspired by famous dishes like beef bourguignon, coq au vin, or the Oscar thing you just did, or eggs benedict. Or maybe "can you chimichanga it?" Just an off the wall thought.

  3. Fast Is A Lifestyle
    Fast Is A Lifestyle says:

    My lady has begged me forever to tell you, but we did something very similar with your parmo. We did the parmo with lobster over it, and Parma Rosa. It turns out amazing. Cheap meets fancy, maybe give it a shot 🙂

  4. Derrick LaFleur
    Derrick LaFleur says:

    Dang it! What a great idea!! How bout a Steak Diane Burger?? Onion bun
. Or some kind of sautĂ©ed mushroom infused bun. I love watching! Such great creativity! Im in Vegas, sometimes ya gotta gamble! 😅

  5. R Casey
    R Casey says:

    out of ideas? Well, how about a barbecue pork pan pizza, or how about doing a vegetable pizza using spinach and goat cheese, how about a bean and wienie thing that has a lot of other stuff like broccoli or anything in it…. you can think harder :;)…. love you guys!

  6. Amanda Spoor
    Amanda Spoor says:

    I just got my ‘The Statement’ as an early Christmas gift from my boyfriend! I have waited for this knife! It is amazing. I also made the French onion Mac and cheese for Thanksgiving and it was a hit! Love this channel.

  7. Amanda Spoor
    Amanda Spoor says:

    I just got my ‘The Statement’ as an early Christmas gift from my boyfriend! I have waited for this knife! It is amazing. I also made the French onion Mac and cheese for Thanksgiving and it was a hit! Love this channel.

  8. Bart Lester
    Bart Lester says:

    I was going to suggest the next time you do a ham. This is the way I do it I take Brown Sugar rub it all over the ham then I pour honey all over the ham after I put this in a turkey bag then I poured whiskey and bourbon both preferably flavored with honey when I close the bag up stick the ham in the refrigerator for 48 hours he’s bringing out and cook it I’d like to see you try to augment the recipe and make it better if you can cause my hams never come home with me they’re always eaten


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