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Classic blueberry pie gets an extra note of zing from the juice and zest of a lemon and is wrapped in a flakey butter crust that’s nearly foolproof. SO delicious …

48 replies
  1. Star Dust
    Star Dust says:

    I want to bake a pie soon with my partner and I've never done that before so wish me luck ! I remember my mum baking it once in a while and I helped with what I could but it wasn't much xDD

  2. Kyra Smit
    Kyra Smit says:

    The first time I baked a pie was your pumpkin pie recipe and I was so excited ‘cause I never had one before. Like I bought a whole pumpkin to make my own pumpkin purée (you can’t buy the canned stuff where I live). And I made the filling and it was awesome and then it was time for the oven. My oven gets really really hot and I forgot the foil stuff. The crust was almost entirely black and I could peel of this burned layer of the pumpkin filling. I’m pretty sure I almost cried😂 made a lot of pies sinds then and they all turned out perfect!!

  3. ashley diaz
    ashley diaz says:

    Made this yesterday and it was the first time a crust didn't shrink on me! My husband thought the blueberries were a bit sour but i loved it. I really appreciate your patience and the way you break it all down. I'll never use another crust recepie

  4. Alyena’s Kitchen
    Alyena’s Kitchen says:

    Hi John! Thank you so much for this incredible recipe! I love the tip on tenting your pie! You could create a pie tent product for the bakers to buy. That would be amazing to have in our baking arsenal! 🌺😊🌷

  5. Carole Williamson
    Carole Williamson says:

    Can you use frozen wild blueberries? I love the smaller wild ones, more tang. And I’d like a bit less sugar to keep it’s tang. Also I have tapioca flour and cornstarch. I’ve seen recipes that cook all or half the filling and mash half the blueberries. I also saw one with 8 cups berries, sounds a bit over stuffed. Is any or all of that ok? I may just wing it. I also have some pectin.

  6. Isabel S
    Isabel S says:

    Made this pie and it was my first ever try at making my own homemade pie, and I couldn't help but throw myself a little party cause it turned out pretty good! Can't wait for my fam to get a taste of it!!! 💜

  7. Mary Spring
    Mary Spring says:

    My first pie was really failed. I added toi much berries and it was liquid inside and not sweet at all, however dough was nice. Next time I will make more sweet or just an apple tarte

  8. Jess Mariee
    Jess Mariee says:

    Umm.. wth!! Im Australian and this just isn't a thing. But I was determined to try it.
    I have no idea how this "normally" tastes but I followed the recipe, and this is INCREDIBLE!
    I can't believe how this isn't normal here?! Next is pumpkin pie. 😍💖

  9. Constance Hutt
    Constance Hutt says:

    You grabbed the piece of pie with your hand & it reminded me of my grandmother saying, "if you can't eat a piece of pie without a fork then the crust isn't made or cooked right (for her to enjoy it)". Fond memories, thank you for that moment. 💖

  10. Tammie Knuth
    Tammie Knuth says:

    My mom made the best strawberry sauce for strawberry shortcakes.!! Came across recipe in 2019 video 🙂 have to research. Video?? These are the best!! Starvin marvin !! Now this makes you happy literally


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