The BEST Beef Stew Recipe ~ Slow Cooker Beef Stew ~ Crock Pot Beef Stew

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This BEST Beef Stew Recipe in the slow cooker / crock pot is easy , thick and hearty. Full of flavor and comfort. Recipe below. Enjoy. #beefstew …

15 replies
  1. Kimi Wei
    Kimi Wei says:

    The good: cooked recipe looks good. Also good; you didn't make us look at you examining each piece of seared beef or cutting up commonplace vegetables. It's fairly short, also good. The bad: 1/ that awful subscribe graphic pasted across the screen that is up waaaay too long and so pushy. 2/ your voice is monotonous and pedantic, and therefor annoyingly boring. Inflection only enters your voice toward the end, but unfortunately that's where you start telling us what we should do. No bueno! And your inging is pretty grating on the nerves: tossing, giving. What's up with that? It's give it a stir, not "giving it/that a stir" – what's it supposed to mean, anyway, "giving it a stir"? That's not a direction, and it also doesn't refer to you. It doesn't refer to anyone, actually. Maybe it's happening by magic command?


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