The Best BBQ Ribs Without Using A Smoker

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45 replies
  1. George Panayo
    George Panayo says:

    Why are you putting aluminum in the fucking oven though? There are special oiled sheets for that as you know. Aluminum releases fucking cancerous toxins into your meat dude, yikes.

  2. Akili Munavu
    Akili Munavu says:

    TIPS!!! When you remove the membrane off of the back of the ribs… with a sharp knife, slice down the middle of that membrane and use a paper towel to pinch a corner of that membrane and pull it off. This makes removing the membrane a lot easier than trying to peel it off without cutting and using only your fingers. Just fyi

  3. John Almario
    John Almario says:

    hey PAPA JOSH! would you be so kind to make a FILIPINO dish called SISIG? try to make a traditional one and make a your vesion of it. hope to see you do it! THANK YOU PAPA

  4. Canadian PopTarts
    Canadian PopTarts says:

    I know this is going to sound sacrilegious, but we cook ribs in one of the Insta-pots and they are always juicy, falling off the bone, flavorful ribs. I really recommend trying it if you can.

  5. Ethan Viesca
    Ethan Viesca says:

    From a Texan the ribs are a bit too tender they should fall right off the bone you should be able to pull it off but still have that bite when you list the ribs up you should have it wave at you 😂


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