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homemade dashi ~ One of the most commonly used ingredients in Japanese cooking is dashi. It’s honestly quite simple once you …

25 replies
  1. LemonLark
    LemonLark says:

    Are there any Dashi recipes without konbu? I made my own broth a little while ago and found out I’m actually slightly allergic to konbu (tho not to any other seaweed)

  2. SakuraLilli
    SakuraLilli says:

    I find it interesting that you added anchovies to the mix 🙂
    In usual Japanese cuisine, I usually see people use katsuo(Bonito flakes) + kombu which fills the sea + land. While anchovies are more typically used as its own dashi because it already holds a strong flavor unlike katsuo or kombu which isn't as flavorful by itself. This is just something I've noticed in Japanese cooking and media I consumed.
    I'm not trying to say it's bad but more of curiosity on how your dashi tastes with all three of them. Is the flavor stronger? More fisher taste? Does any of the flavors overpower the other or do they balance? ^^ I apologize if I'm bombarding you with questions!

  3. Geo De
    Geo De says:

    In Japanese, ALL vowels are always pronounced the same way:
    a = ah
    i = ee
    u = oo
    e = eh
    o = oh

    kombu is pronounced
    you have good taste👍
    thank you

    "u" is sometimes not prounced, especially at the end of a word.

  4. StrayLix
    StrayLix says:

    i love your videos because it has gave me so much inspo and your cooking really helps me mentally! i love your rice paper recipes because they are so convenient for when you don’t have a lot! ❤️


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