The 5 WORST Breakfast Ingredients for Your Health (and Weight)

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I Recommend Magic Spoon, in my opinion it tastes better than sugary cereal: Code: THOMASDELAUER Gets You …

23 replies
  1. kirochka13
    kirochka13 says:

    I prefer a savory breakfast any day over a sweet meal at any time. I feel so much better since going keto and eating stuff like steak or bacon wrapped pork filet for breakfast.

  2. stevae wei
    stevae wei says:

    If you, Thomas DeLauer, want to see a “real” disciple of
    good, go check out the videos of Ivor Cummins. He never self-promotes, and
    presents the most logical and common-sense videos on health.

    After watching a few of his videos Thomas, YOU NEED to notice
    how he doesn't beg for people to subscribe or like his videos, like so many
    others like YOU do??? That is the mark of a truly helpful person NOT doing it
    for personal gain, confident in their presentation and the information within
    it. They are about the purity of the vital information, NOT self-promotion and
    profits!!!! They KNOW that people will subscribe/like if they present relevant
    accurate information for them. People who beg for subscribers and likes are
    FAKE's, who have ulterior motives for their vids, and are just doing it for selfish
    reasons. Ivor Cummins video on VITAMIN D is ten times better than yours. Watch
    his video on vitamin D, and you MIGHT understand what's wrong with your vids.

    YOU care MORE about your selfish promotion than you do the information, and
    it shows by how much you SELL in every single video you put out. And cheap
    animations are also so childish and unprofessional filler. SHAME ON YOU!!!
    BTW, attacking someone during your live stream is a great sign of what an asshole you
    truly are. The reason you're seeing more haters, is because people can easily see how
    FAKE YOU ARE, and your continued selling and self-promotion are clear indicators.

  3. pmfith
    pmfith says:

    I love it when you concentrate on Keto science, but when you do vids for the general public 'glycos', I lose interest. Not your fault, but I end up watching fewer of your videos…

  4. Moron
    Moron says:

    Yikes, promoting a food like magic spoon?! A bunch of manufactured ingredients from around the globe mashed together to form a goo that is extruded, hardened and put into a box for years of safe shelf life. That stuff is neither healthy nor is it food. It is fake sweeteners and fake grains meant mimic another unhealthy food. Who says highly processed whey protein that has been pulverized, manipulated, molded and put into a box is healthy? You or I could never make such a food in our own kitchen. That alone should keep it out of your diet.

  5. Eru Iluvatar
    Eru Iluvatar says:

    Wow that cereal does look good. Sadly they don't ship outside of the USA and I blew up all my budget to stock up for the quarantine anyway. I hope that some day I will get to try it.

  6. nick pitts
    nick pitts says:

    Im 22 and 5ft10in 215lbs (muscular with a layer of belly fat) I 16:8 from 9pm-1pm Before I break my fast I workout at 12 for an hour. I break my fast after with 2 rice cakes and 8oz chicken. Later I have 8 eggs and ham/veggies and for dinner I have 8oz chicken or beef with rice/veggies. I’m trying to shed fat and build muscle. How’s this look?

  7. devilslide01
    devilslide01 says:

    Although the cereal looks great and there’s that whole what price would you put on your health? Thing, at nearly $10 a box for 7oz it’s more expensive than prime rib per pound. No thanks


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