The $5 Pantry Challenge

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11 replies
  1. Amber Lyons
    Amber Lyons says:

    Thank for such a great show! I am so thankful to have found you and your videos that inspire me to build my pantry and be prepared for life. I bought my first house recently and move next month, while things are busy and its big changes- i am prepared and cannot wait to properly grow my own garden to supplement. Thank you again Cath! 🥰

  2. Frugal Fun Mum
    Frugal Fun Mum says:

    We use to have Bi-Lo & Franklins here in SA – I wish they were still here I loved them! When we first got married I loved shopping at Bi-lo and would even drive a little extra to go. I got SRF at Reject Shop 1kg bags for 50c each I grabbed 8 bags I was so excited and I baked and baked and baked LOL (as i had no freezer space to kill any potential weevals etc).

  3. Amy Richards
    Amy Richards says:

    I’m so excited I am growing my first garden in grow bags from seed. I’m learning so much from you. My back is injured and I live with debilitating pain. I had my own disaster struck 3 years ago when I injured it for the second time and had to give up work. We have had to survive on 1 income that entire time. My life has changed forever snd I don’t know if I will ever work again, so I’m learning all as much as I can.

  4. Amy Richards
    Amy Richards says:

    This happened to me today pretty scary and shocking. I’m on Targin OxyContin for debilitating back pain. The pharmacist said today there is an issue with the manufacture she could fill half of the $40 a month script to last 2 weeks but she doesn’t have the other half I will need to ring around!!
    The thing is this prescription is one my GP has to ting Canberra for ever month to get authority and I can’t get more than a month at a time.

  5. Jutta Destiny
    Jutta Destiny says:

    Hi Cath great video last night💚 I can relate to your story💙 pantry the best investment!I usually shop once a fortnight and look out for specials this works for me aldi my favorite shop I also shop at Cole's IGA (15 minute walk away) and sometimes Woolies and a great fruit shop/ deli (25 minute walk away) my daughter used to ask me why I went to different shops I explained that's how to save money(over 1 year that's a lot of savings)!!PS I always have a smile on my face when you pronounce my name 😸 it's pronounced you ta ❤️ raining again in Sydney! Best wishes 💚💙💜

  6. Rachel Seibert
    Rachel Seibert says:

    I love to hear your story, it reminds me of my path. It is a habit, also a joy to build your pantry. It feels so good to have what you need and not have to run to the store for dinner. Like the virtuous wife in the Bible, she is prepared for what the future holds, she looks well to the ways of her home.


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