The 2 Dollar Curry (Butter Chicken) | But Cheaper

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Okay, curry can be expensive both at a restaurant and when homemade. In order to make this happen, we have to simplify the recipe, maximize the flavor and …

45 replies
  1. mythicalism
    mythicalism says:

    Cheaper way-
    Purchase a cheap flight to India: $180
    Buy 360 rice and butter chicken for less then a dollar: >$360
    Purchase a cheap flight back: $180

    Total cost for 360 meals: >$720
    >$720 divided by 360 meals: >$2
    Total cost per serving: >$2

    You could buy even buy more meals and make the cost per serving less.

  2. Swoon
    Swoon says:

    I made this recipe for my family they loved it and i like it too taste just like tikka masala that youll find at fancy indian resturaunt i have no cooking experience but it was pulled of well thanks josh

  3. John Johansen
    John Johansen says:

    You've got both salt and pepper for free?
    Actually you might totally save the salt, if using salted butter?
    (I've never really understood unsalted butter in a recipe that needs salt)

  4. TiffL67
    TiffL67 says:

    That's amazing, mine was almost like that. Just less red. I made it for my boyfriend and I. I don't get heartburn, so I didn't consider what it would do to him. He basically downed all my oat milk to try and get his heartburn to go away and shot me evil looks 😂

  5. Shaurya Shrivastava
    Shaurya Shrivastava says:

    You raped indian food. I usually am not offended or angry when a white guy cooks something thats not native to his area Cuz you cant always get authentic shit everywhere. But this wasnt fucking up food. This was rape. As an Indian i am angy

  6. Angelic Tear
    Angelic Tear says:

    I mean, it's good to know that I can use this recipe and make a delicious $2 per serving bowl of curry as opposed to the $15 plus that would usually be spent to make a single pot of curry. Thankfully, we have a piece of shit on the internet who thinks he's clever with misleading titles.

    Let me show you how to make a Joshua Weissman video (Meal Creation) But Shorter!

    Immediately closes video after opening it.


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