That Zucchini Spaghetti Stanley Tucci Loves! (Spaghetti alla Nerano) – Food Wishes

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If you think it sounds crazy for someone to call an ultra-simple, vegetable-sauced spaghetti, “life changing,” “unbelievable,” and “one of the best things I’ve ever …

50 replies
  1. K M
    K M says:

    Chef Jon, your step one is WAY too short on the blog….I’m gonna do this thing sans a deep fryer AND a Dutch oven and I KNOW I can Google “totally ghetto yet ENTIRELY doable substitutes for a deep fryer” but I want to hear it from you!…..;)

  2. zopi zopi
    zopi zopi says:

    I looooove Stanley Tucci as an actor but he is a booooooring chef. I don't know you. You might be a very good chef but your voice is so boooooooring…. I suggest you and Stan make videos and call them "Sleeping peels" or "The Borings". Your pasta looks delicious though :)))))🤣🤣🤣

  3. Margaret Hunt
    Margaret Hunt says:

    Thanks. I saw the CNN a show featuring this pasta. The only recipe I wrote down from the show. Then I bought the book.

    My first attempt using just the book was amazing in bits of it since I dumped cheese in all at once so it was lumpy. Oops. Didnt use butter. It’s not in Stanley’s recipe.

    Having watched this going to give it another try.

    Thanks again.

  4. Robert Jackson
    Robert Jackson says:

    Mornin' Chef, I made this last night and followed the recipe very closely, and even found the aged provolone, and I must say I was a little underwhelmed. It was good, but certainly not life changing – I'd take a good carbonara over this any day. I watch your channel regularly and have learned a lot from you over the years. Thank you!

  5. Megg Sohn
    Megg Sohn says:

    Saw this… went to find the Tucci series, … now I'm back for Chef John's take again. I've learned SO MUCH from this channel over the years. Thank you Chef John!

  6. Brian F
    Brian F says:

    This Stanley Tucci Pasta alla Nerano thing has been popping up all over the place, and it's not good. I normally love Chef John's work and trust him completely. I took a chance on this to find out what all the hullaballoo was about, and . . . . . yuck. This isn't a criticism of Chef John, and I should add that I didn't follow his instructions closely (pan fried rather than deep fried), But I didn't think I was that far off, in terms of following the recipe, and . . . . . yuck. I'm a total Italophile and would order pasta for my last meal, but definitely not this. I may never be able to watch a Stanley Tucci movie again. It was that bad.

  7. Stella Johnson
    Stella Johnson says:

    Gosh tasting is the best part! That looks sensational… Congrats on 4 MILLION, Chef John. Yauza! Whatever happened to our small 'freakishly small utensil' group… He-he. You have grown amazingly. How have you been? No more poetry and no more 'you are after all the beamy teeny Genie of your Spaghetti Zucchini'. Wow, I did it. For the first time it rhymes.. xx..

  8. gianaseppanen
    gianaseppanen says:

    I was at that same restaurant a few years ago and had the Spaghetti ala Nerano. It was amazing and I tried to recreate it on my own! I was so excited to see the actual recipe on Stanley's show! I was even more excited to see this today! Thank you!

  9. Vee Mercer
    Vee Mercer says:

    Chef John and Stanley Tucci cannot be wrong – I've got to make this! Can the zucchini be large batch fried and then frozen for later use in this recipe? I live alone and would like to do fried zucchini one time for several meals. Thanks in advance for help with this question. I love your videos Chef John ❤️

  10. TheAnimePiper
    TheAnimePiper says:

    Made this a few times now. Is it amazing? No. Will I keep making it? Yes. It's pretty tasty overall, I also understand why they don't use garlic now as I tried it one time with it and found it overpowers the light flavor of the zucchini. The parm/pecorino mix I enjoy better than the aged provolone as well, I think that it also overpowers the flavor of the zucchini. I've tried it with both regular green zucchini and the costata romanesco zucchini which I like the latter a bit better. I also found it doesn't change much as well if you fry the zucchini in the morning, chill, then cook in the evening vs doing it overnight.

  11. Mio Luyt
    Mio Luyt says:

    It’s absolutely not critical to deep fry just pan fry in batches and use the oil you fried zucchini in to sauté garlic put zucchini back in with garlic add equal parts stock and cream toss with paroadeelle

  12. Soft Gaming
    Soft Gaming says:

    No need to hurt yourself with keto. It's just a matter of calories in, calories out. Following a structured and diverse diet like the Agoge diet helps a great deal though.

  13. Amy Straub
    Amy Straub says:

    Is this a sauce that you could make for canning?? It seems like it would be something fantastic way to use up all your zucchini when they inevitably become the size of baseball bats after a few thunderstorms. 😅

  14. Lucy Smith
    Lucy Smith says:

    In Stanley's video, didn't the chef add basil leaves to the bowl of cooled-down fried zucchini, and then refrigerate it? If so, should I choose a few leaves and tear them up small, or is the flavor absorbed overnight?
    Thank you for so many fabulous recipes!
    Never mind! I watched it again, and it was STANLEY who added basil prior to refrigeration, and was told, "Noooo, noooo".

  15. Ms. N.B. Kristjansson
    Ms. N.B. Kristjansson says:

    I thought it was going to be made out of zucchini noodles, which are available at Wegmans if there's one in your town and you don't have (or want to use) a spiral slicer. Don't get me wrong; pasta is a weakness of mine. I wonder if I would like it with spaghetti squash instead.

  16. Andrew Parsons
    Andrew Parsons says:

    Well well worth the two days it takes to make. Amazing nutty flavor that the noodles just soak up. We made it with the Russian tomato salad bruschetta. Great pairing. If you haven't tried to make this yet I strongly recommend you do so as soon as possible. Well done for sharing this culinary experience Chef John.


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