TASTY OIL FREE VEGAN SESAME GINGER DRESSING » sugar free, oil free, plant based salad dressing

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Oil Free Vegan Sesame Ginger Dressing is perfect for the ever popular Buddha bowl or your favorite salad mix. Most dressings that are used for Buddha bowls …

27 replies
  1. Izzaboutchu!
    Izzaboutchu! says:

    I kept a tiny honey jar that was in a gift basket. I put my dressings in that whenever we’re going out for dinner. It has a screw on lid…but I still place it in a ziplock bag. I haven’t tried your dressings yet…but they sure look good. 🧑‍🌾

  2. Whole Plant Foods Genesis 1:29
    Whole Plant Foods Genesis 1:29 says:

    Yes, salad dressings in the stores, forget it!! The only one I really liked was vegan but very pricey: Organicville brand. Super good but I rather make my own. Put it in a ketchup/mustard squeeze bottle and apply it that way. Lasts longer and evenly goes on the salad. 🥗 Lycopene is excellent for liver cleanse. Watermelons also have Lycopene. I can eat a whole watermelon in one sitting in the summer. Just stay near a restroom for about a half hour. 😂😂🍉🍉🍉

  3. patty 8873
    patty 8873 says:

    Commercial salad dressings are probably one of the most unhealthy foods in a restaurant. For years I ordered salads (without the meat or cheese) thinking it was healthiest item on the menu until I realized the types of oil and other ingredients used in restaurant salad dressings. Unless it’s very high end expensive restaurant, the restaurants are buying it by the bucket load from a factory.

  4. J Dalton
    J Dalton says:

    Just made this one to go on a Buddha bowl with some crispy tofu and it was by far the BEST sauce I’ve ever had in 2 years being plant-based. Used sesame seed oil instead of actual seeds, though….seeds next time. Rest of fam liked it too! Thanks!


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