Taste Test- Grass Finished Ribeye Steak from Carnivore Crisps

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Link to Carnivore Crisps https://carnivorecrisps.com/products/carnivore-prime-all-beef-box Check out our other YouTube Channel …

44 replies
  1. kalli Rice
    kalli Rice says:

    Hey Steve and Steph y'all are in ribeye steak and vegetables for y'all dinner it looks delicious and y'all are testing out the food y'all are eating and see what it taste like enjoy your life

  2. Eve Reynolds
    Eve Reynolds says:

    Good Lord!!! It's 8am in Kansas and THIS is what I'm watching!?!?!? My mouth is watering. My stomach is growling..I'm wishing my appetite could be content with just watching instead of having to be actually satisfied with substance!! Lord have mercy!!!!!!!!

  3. Mary Weldon
    Mary Weldon says:

    My absolute favorite meat is grassfed….i use to raise pork,chickens and turkey's and fed apples to the pigs all the time omg the pork was amazing sweet juicy….it's the same as people we are what we eat and cow's, pig's chicken's, turkey's taste like what you feed them.

  4. Keith Bates
    Keith Bates says:

    The ribeye looks so good. You know if we were talking about 2018 when Keith was still working it would be a different story. We use to get Swiss Coloney meat for the holidays real good. Right now SS is lousy and I barely have enough to make it at the end of the month in food. You know you pay into SS working and you get stiffed in retirement!!! Keith worked in the Medical field a Cytologist. There is no pension in it or 401k that disappeared after the stock market crashed 2008 and 09. We are eating cereals and only one meal per day!!! This country Needs to support seniors instead of kicking you to the curb bc you are not in the work force anymore!!! Keith has worked 44yrs and this is what retirement looks like. Keith's Dad fought for this country WW2, Korea and Vietnam. He should see how his son is living!!! Anyway enjoy your steaks!!! Joan Bates

  5. M.K. Johnston
    M.K. Johnston says:

    Beef tallow is used in place of olive oil or butter for sautéing/pan frying foods. Can be used for deep frying too (although you'd need a lot). Its like lard, but much healthier because it comes from beef instead of pig. Don't freak out Steve if you google it, because its also used in soap making and oiling muskets. Lol

  6. - SANDMAN
    - SANDMAN says:

    Thats the only beef i eat here in Australia and Steve i only turn it once and i cook it on a BBQ hot plate not a grill, the tomahawk make sure hot plate is hot cook for 3 1/2 min each side take it off rest for 3min then put back on for further 2min each side and then Finnish in the oven 15min. Hey guys do you get gas after eating standing up because i do. 😂🤣

  7. Tracey Tatara
    Tracey Tatara says:

    I do the exact same thing, save the best for last lol. That steak looked absolutely delicious, you could see just how juicy and tender it was and it's my favorite, ribeye! 🙂🙂❤


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