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Sunday scaries, but duller than usual.

27 replies
  1. claudia stoute
    claudia stoute says:

    When my grandmother died, whom was like a mother to me. We also had to clean out her intire house. We also didn't have the space to store her things zo we had to put almost al het precious things in the trash. Her things that she was so proud of, that she kept clean and treasured alle her life. And we had to dump it because we couldn't store it. Every little thing i threw in there ripped up my heart even a little bit. Even a piece of paper with her handwriting on it. Her figurines of little Dogs. Her toothbrush, it didn't matter how small and insignifficant, it Hurt to have to throw it away. From her whole house i could save no more than 2 shopping bags. And even now, 20 years later i treasured those few thing i have saved from the trash, those few things i have left of her life. I have no use for them but i also cannot throw them away because if i do there Will be nothing left, than she Will truly be gone. That is hoe it feels for me, even after 20 years. So i keep Them and every once in a while i go through Them and i remember here kindness, the love she gave me every Day of my life. I Will never throw them away, i'll keep Them with me till the Day i die because i loved her with all my heart to and this way i feel i will keep her alive at least a little bit….. for myself.

    And you know, sometimes people tell me to finally throw that old stuff away because they say it is Just trash and its Just gathering dust so Just get rid of it. And i say, "sure, you van het rif of it the Day i die, that is the Day that this dust gathering trash Will be dumped and not a Day sooner

  2. mountaineer718
    mountaineer718 says:

    i've lost my mom when i was two (that many many years ago) and lost my dad 8 years ago there will never be words to describe the feeling of losing them. I cried tears and still. It is ok for you to grieve, your mom is big part of your life forever. Hugs

  3. Crushi: Artist, Producer & Musician
    Crushi: Artist, Producer & Musician says:

    Yes, time is moving on. Memories are memories. I'll scrub through this video to find the highlights. And Fred. Always cooking and Fred. I have a shed cat that is a tabby like Fred. I haven't come up with a name but I keep feeding him, seeing his paw prints. I assume it's a he but it may be a she or non-bi and just trying to survive.

  4. Casandra Sarvis-Kersey
    Casandra Sarvis-Kersey says:

    Lol. I watch all your budget eats (repeatedly) when I get off 3rd shift in mornings then I eat lol…then I sleep with it running for background noise. Glad I found this channel too, even when you don't feel good you keep going. Inspiring

  5. juliahavok
    juliahavok says:

    hey, i just want to say that things are difficult and that's okay. human suffering is the price for joy i guess. idk it's the reason i keep going. anyway, keep fighting the good fight (the one that says joy in dark times is ok) and know that I'm proud of all of you. waking up is hard and staying conscious to experience things is harder, i look up to all of you and the world is better for you; i promise. and when you can't cry for yourself , please know that i cry for you, i love for you and suffer for you. you are complete.

  6. Kendra Rose Montagna
    Kendra Rose Montagna says:

    @junelikethemonth what honey do you support and like, trying to be more mindful with my buys. I also love the kind that solidifies. Sorry to hear about dove, I love those chocolates, and i side the wrappers they have positive affirmations telling me "I got this!" Brightens my day a little.

  7. Tina Short
    Tina Short says:

    On March 29 it will be 1 year since my husband passed away. We had 30 years together. Some beautiful, some not. I miss him with every fiber of my being. I had him cremated and I have a necklace with some of his cremains in it. I still have his hair brush, with his hair in it. Everything he touched in the last days of his life is gold to me. Grief is a bitch. I hate it and I can't do anything about it.

  8. Kendra Rose Montagna
    Kendra Rose Montagna says:

    Hi sweet June. I loved the dove on your balcony, really special. I wanted to extend my love and let you know I wear my Maw Maws necklace that is a heart locket on days when I'd really like her close to my heart. Maw Maw stepped in for my mother. I unclasp it and take it off before bed and before showers to keep it safe. I wear her earings too, hoping she will keep my thoughts, the organ in between them, centered and lovingly towards the goodness of our connection. During hard work days where I may not feel enough, wearing her locket especially helps. When the clasp needs to be widdled around or it picks up the heat from the sunlight on my neck, I remember how she viewed me and try to love myself in the same esteem as she would want, no matter the circumstances or clientele around me. I love her and honor her presence in my life. She made the best parts of me grow and continues to. All my love 💜

  9. Bonny McDonald
    Bonny McDonald says:

    June we all grieve differently. Don’t put a time frame on it. The longer you mourn means the greater the impact that person had on us. All the things of theirs we found/kept of theirs are like tiny little clues about their lives we are still discovering. Tiny little jigsaw pieces …..

  10. sam wilson
    sam wilson says:

    June hang in there. My dad died around the same time your mom died. He was my best friend. I can tell that it is a long grieving process and a rollercoaster ride. It hurts. It is a grief that will be with you forever. We both will learn to deal with it as time goes by. You are in my thoughts!

  11. Zara
    Zara says:

    I bought the Fix & Fogg coffee maple peanut butter just because of you. It is as delicious as you described it. Because I love to try out new flavors, I put a little onto a hashbrown patty & it was… not bad.

  12. Alice Adler
    Alice Adler says:

    Hey June & Fred!!! 😻😻😻. I ordered a tin of the Yellow & Blue tea from your link. I just finished making Italian Beef in the Instant Pot with a huge pot of the most delicious mashed potatoes (with melted butter & milk). You can either eat Italian beef with Provolone cheese melted on it as a Sub sandwich (really drippy) or serve it with mashed potatoes & veggies. I was making for friends who just had surgery & is recovering from that so they will have something nourishing to eat!!! Your soup looks awesome. I am in the mood to eat dumplings!!!

  13. Erin Berlin
    Erin Berlin says:

    Aww June…I understand about your mom. It took me over a year to start cleaning out her room in my house after she passed and I really haven't been able to give any of her clothes or shoes away. I don't know when it gets better…I'm still waiting❤. Btw…our cats may be prisoners, but we are their servants…I think it evens out lol.

  14. Hazel Hammond
    Hazel Hammond says:

    Do you visit Grandma everyday? also does she eat where she lives and you bring her snacks? or does she eat only what you bring her? why doesn't you have closed captions? It's so hard because you thought you had so many years before she would be gone. and you we're living your lifestyle and didn't want to stop yours to help her when she ask for help. My brother did the same thing..BUT he didn't get a call .he was on a cruise ship. and when he got back our Mom was gone. BUT he didn't help with anything. I was left to clean up every thing. I have the same problems you do. I was there at the end and before. I wish everyday I had more time with both my parents Even when they live with you and YOU know there sick and they don't have much time left You still can't believe it when they are gone. MY Mom died on my birthday!! YEP!! So I can't celebrate my birthday because that's the day my Mom died. I cry all the time when ever something reminds me of her. I cared for her 24/7 for over 3 years in my house. she pass in 2003. It will get easier It's great you got help. I didn't I had also just lost my dad and was raising my granddaughter we had just adopted from birth.. You Very lucky you get to grieve. Have a GOOD cry and then you'll feel better for awhile. It's okay June.

  15. Patricia Maranon
    Patricia Maranon says:

    After my mother and husband died, everything they ever touched d became sacred. The oreos that my mom would give to my grandson on our visits were stashed away in her closet, and I ate them like I was taking communion. I wear my husband's garden shoes, even though they are way over-sized. I'm sure we are grieving differently, but at the same time, it sounds very familiar.


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