TAKEAWAY Recipe Relay Challenge | Pass it On S2 E18 | SORTEDfood

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So far, 2021 is shaping up to be a year of more takeaways! To give you guys at home some inspo (or not) for your next takeout, we challenge the boys to the …

40 replies
  1. MsMcbouthillier
    MsMcbouthillier says:

    Comme on Ebbers! Give yourself some credit when going first. what a massively great start! ideas, but not tooooo prescriptive. What more could they ask for!?

    And Jamie! The intention was there! zero?!

  2. Heaven G
    Heaven G says:

    Honestly, I feel Jamie needs to give himself more credit in this one. He worked with what he had. If I saw the dough I would’ve done the exact same thing. Plus he checked everything before starting!

  3. Nathan Brown
    Nathan Brown says:

    That was so close to working as well, if Mike had either not made steamed buns (/made the dough) or if he made clear that the buns were for whatever was in the instant pot (the pork would've been a good filling; not sure if it would have cooked, but it would be nice)

  4. Evergreen Tree
    Evergreen Tree says:

    Worst: Mike definitely failed this round. Normally he puts in a great effort, but to just ignore the dumplings and then make steamed buns without putting water on: not his finest hour.
    Third: Jamie. I probably would have done the same as him to be honest.
    Second: Barry who actually continued on with Ben's vision.
    Best: Ben. Aside from the construction and cooking of the prawn toast he made the whole meal.

  5. Joe Ryan
    Joe Ryan says:

    I think they should do a pass it on where the previous person in the order who just finished can watch, but not comment on, the person following them. It'd be fun to watch them experience their plans going off the rails in real time.

  6. khaxjc1
    khaxjc1 says:

    Ben, gets top rank. Jamie second for checking. I refuse to rank past this cause then someones in last so they are tied.

    "Gentleman and Jamie"
    "This is purely hypothetical. Never gonna happen."
    "An Ebber's sandwich"
    "Give me a moment." "He's already had 65 seconds."
    "It does add up, unlike Barry."
    "For the first time Ive had a good idea in Pass It On"
    "You mean this music?"
    "Nothing in the oven. Nothing in the fridge. Growth."
    "No, no, no!"
    "We have hope" "the hope is on fire"
    "The pressure cooker?"


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