Tahdig – The Cooking Show (Farideh + Her Dad)

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You know you love Farideh, now meet her dad: Farideh and her father Manouch make Persian steamed rice with tahdig, the …

50 replies
  1. Helen Swan
    Helen Swan says:

    One Persian cookery book I have, she uses a piece of baking parchment in the bottom of the pan! Sounds like a good cheat. Cos I don't like Teflon. I am gonna try this! Yogourt is supposed to help make the crust, also I have heard you can use coconut milk. I have to do some experiments. I wonder if it works with my favourite brown basmati?

  2. Lis Ugarte
    Lis Ugarte says:

    To the young woman: Please, 🙏 do NOT use the name of the Lord Almighty in vain!! It’s just not ok!! For your own good sweetheart! No one’s perfect but just be aware!! Please 🙏 thank you and I’m really sorry!! No one seems to care about that anymore ❤ thanks for the recipe!!

  3. Tablehand
    Tablehand says:

    You nailed it you made it perfect. My mom has been a cook for over 25 years and you just made the tadeek better than she can considering she cooks it with every meal😊

  4. Christopher Camagüey
    Christopher Camagüey says:

    So disrespectful to be cursing in front of her dad, you could tell he was embarrassed for her in that moment. The useless cursing (that contributed nothing to the video) killed the positive vibe. I dunno why liberals think it’s cute, cuz it ain’t. Other than that good instructional video.

  5. Pol
    Pol says:

    In Catalan-Valencian the burnt rice is called socarrat and is also something that one sort of looks out for in recipes. Sometimes you want it but you don't want to overcook it.

  6. Jaya P
    Jaya P says:

    you and your dad are so adorable. I can tell you have an amazing relationship with your dad which is so amazing to watch. thank you for doing this recipe.

  7. The Fallenone
    The Fallenone says:

    When I was a kid I tried making fried rice and ended up over doing it . I actually ended up making a slightly different version of this without even knowing it until now.. My favorite part was always the crunchy part on the bottom.

  8. Ravi Desai
    Ravi Desai says:

    i ate so much rice i grew tired of rice is one of the weirdest things i have heard. its like saying i breathed so much oxygen i wanted to breathe some other gas for a change

  9. Y R
    Y R says:

    OMG I made this rice for the first time and was nervous when it came time to flip it but came out fine just stuck a little to the edges but all n all very good thank you for the recipe ❤I wish I could post my picture of the rice it came out beautiful

  10. Shaz Mirshahi
    Shaz Mirshahi says:

    Great video no I would not call your masterpiece s*** as you did but otherwise a great work making this video nice and to the point (yak…i' m not a propound er of profanity but I loved your rice and tahdig ….Is your nonstick pan Pfoa and PTFE and Pfos (and other toxins) free?

  11. كول وشكور مع أبومالك Abumallek Makes and Bakes
    كول وشكور مع أبومالك Abumallek Makes and Bakes says:

    Thank you for this presentation.
    I want to take the chance to thank you and your dad.
    Thank you for showing respect to our parents, who raised us and made us who we are today..
    Thank you for showing the appreciation of the blessings that we enjoy, including rice that we sometimes take for granted, while so many other people may sleep hungry because they have no food.

  12. Sandra Monroy
    Sandra Monroy says:

    I came to know about this recipe for Queer Eye Second season (Netflix) I had never seen this recipe. In Colombia 🇨🇴 the rice that is at the bottom of the pot and turns a bit crispy we call it “Pega” . I am going to learn by this recipe what Tahdig is about. And YES in my country in most homes we eat rice daily with lunch.

  13. Don Miller III
    Don Miller III says:

    Whoa whoa whoa this better be a bunch of foreshadowing because that was a bunch of Farideh's childhood food rattled off like what and I'm here like how do I make this international stuff for my kids?!

  14. Barlee
    Barlee says:

    Every Persian Dad ever! I can’t🥰. I don’t have one but I married one, with two children who love their food and BOTH parents. Love is full of good food! Persian food culture opens up love, family and extensive, extended love for people who are Iranian, and those who love them. Video of kindness and light. Too cute.


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