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Welcome back everyone! Today we are sharing a day at home with us! #largefamilylove #dayinthelife #vlog **BUSINESS …

28 replies
  1. Julia Perry
    Julia Perry says:

    I meal plan for about 60 days or two months out. We shop in bulk so it is so much easier than weekly. I switch them around sometimes but it all works out as long as we use the fresh veges first after shopping. God bless and thanks.

  2. Rose Jacobs
    Rose Jacobs says:

    I agree that planning for a month is easier also. People might think it's overwhelming but I think it's more overwhelming to have to do it once a week. I am so glad you got your vacuuming done! 🙂

  3. Savanna Conrad
    Savanna Conrad says:

    Layla is so beautiful! Her little cheeks are plumping , so sweet! And I agree completely about menu planning. We bought a cow a couple months ago so that’s made it easy to use several cuts each week and then fill the other days with chicken or pork or themed meals. Having a stocked freezer and pantry makes it so simple!

  4. Nanette Silas
    Nanette Silas says:

    You are our queen doing meal planning I copy most of your dinners. You make my life easier, sometimes my husband will say your idea or gets lol . Keep us winning this cooking job we all have.

  5. Tammy Adams
    Tammy Adams says:

    Tiffany, Boys will be Boys!! Little Wilder does love him some trucks in the dirt. There is no wonder why you can't keep the floor by the door Swept up. Also ,you my dear look fabulous after having a baby only a few weeks ago. I do feel like you overdo somedays. It's ok to just rest somedays while Layla is napping. It's ok to have dirty laundry to pile up for a day or folded. It's ok to have a few dirty dishes or any of all the others things you do on a regular day. I know you have wonderful support with Garry and he helps a lot but you have been over doing. Ashlyn seems to love to help you and I would bet everything you teach her and allow her help with new things it just boost her confidence to the lovely young lady she is becoming. Baby Layla is just so precious she is the perfect combination of you and Garry.

  6. Kstan90
    Kstan90 says:

    I just recently switched to meal planning to monthly versus weekly and for us it works out better! We go to the grocery store once a month for a gigantic haul then we pick up things that either run out unexpectedly or need replaced in between (milk, produce, etc) but I try to buy the bulk at the beginning of the month so I don't have to go much in between!!


    I live in australia, in new south wales where every pool has to have a child proof/safe fence around it with a child proof gate on it. I would not put a pool in without it anywhere in the world. Are there not rules about this where you live?

  8. Kim Fenimore
    Kim Fenimore says:

    Good morning Tiffany and family also friends. Hope that everyone is doing well. Stay healthy and safe everyone. Happy Monday morning to you all. My family and I like tacos. My best friend made beef ribs with bbq sauce and they were delicious. Last night in the crockpot she made some chicken with veggies it was so delicious like a chicken pot pie without the crust. We send our Love and Prayers to your family and our friends. Your food looks so delicious and tasty. Thanks for sharing your beautiful family with us everyday. It's great to see baby girl Layla and her siblings. It makes our day so happy and grateful for what we have in our lives. I woke up with a sore throat this week. I'm just resting and taking time to watch the YouTube videos. Your an amazing person and family. Take care for now everyone. God bless you all. Have a blessed week everyone. We go grocery shopping once a month. It's so beautiful where you live in the country. 🥰😇😍🙂🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏💞💕💞💕💞💟💟💟💟💟💞💕💞💕💞💕💞

  9. Jackie Gates
    Jackie Gates says:

    Having a meal plan is good but I say once a month would be easier 🥑🥩🥓
    Although I have that not to worry about, my 2 sons are married with a family…Grandchildren 7,5 & 13, my Pride & Joy..My husband passed away 8 years ago, so it's only me to worry about…Hope you all's a better day and every day…⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘🌞.


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