Sweet Potato Gnocchi | Skinnymixers Chicken Kiev w Smoked Garlic butter | Off Grid Australia 073

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Hey Everyone! I am still working through bits and pieces that need using! I used the sweet potato from the other day in Gnocchi, …

31 replies
  1. Pat Wright
    Pat Wright says:

    🤣 I do exactly the same when I’m grocery shopping, I add loads of nice goodies then when it comes to it I decide hmmm does this woman really need all these fattening goodies 😂, I kept an advert running for 40 minutes on 1 of your vids the other day, hoping it pays you well so you can continue to buy what you need 😊😊😊😊

  2. Lee Golder
    Lee Golder says:

    My previous job was actually in a small country butcher shop. And my job was to make the Kiev's. A much easier way is not mince the chicken but make a pocket in the chicken breast, from the thick end part way down to the centre, and then fill with garlic and butter.

  3. Alison Shanahan
    Alison Shanahan says:

    Look out for second hand carports, very useful for a building area. My brother has an Italian restaurant and makes his own gnocchi, he cuts the potatoes into large pieces and boils them until soft, it's important not to rinse them, they need the starch. He mashes (rices) the potatoes and puts lots of flour on the bench, dumps the mash and egg into the middle of it and gradually adds the flour in. It depends on the weather as to how much flour you use. He does this when it's very hot, rolls the dough very lightly into long lengths then cuts them into pieces and rolls them off a fork so they will hold sauce. The gnocchi pieces are spread on a tray and frozen, then put into bags.
    That chicken looks delicious, I love the almond crust. 😋

  4. Lisa Turner
    Lisa Turner says:

    Hey Nyssa, never thought to do kievs that way. Definitely going to try. I've always cut slits into the whole chicken breast etc etc. Your way is much more economical though. I make a chicken croquette that I think you'd like.I finely chop cooked chicken and add in some hand grated onion and finely chopped parsley, s & p. Then make a roux, a bit thicker than normal, cool, then add to the chicken mix. Refrigerate, then roll into croquette shape, flour, egg, then panko. Fry until golden and warmed through. My kiddos absolutely love these, and great for using cheap whole chickens, leftover chicken, or even your cooked thighs that you wouldn't need to fillet first! Win win😉. Also, so funny that here in regional nsw, my parsley is going crap, but my lemon thyme is thriving! Love watching as always. I'd be excited for you to take on a thermo role, as I use mine heaps, and always looking for new ways . Take care, stay dry😊

  5. Kiki
    Kiki says:

    All looks super yummy and super resourceful 👏🏼 Love the idea of making the breast into a mince.. I've just cut into the top of a breast in the past and piped in butter, but of course the butter escapes 😔 Thank you for this recipe I'm making it tonight and making what I hope turns out, a parma kiev stuffing with some ham, cheese and sauce for my little one who doesn't like regular kievs. You have also inspired/reminded me of these crumbed rissoles my mum made back in the 80s so they're on for later in the week 🙂
    For my pumpkin, sweet potato or cauliflower gnocchi I add polenta instead of flour as it really helps absorb the extra moisture content and adds a yummy sweetness to it.

  6. Karolyn Foreman
    Karolyn Foreman says:

    Oh my the Kievs look so delicious..I'm going to try and make them! I don't have a therma mix.
    Do you think a food processor would be OK to use to chop the meat? Another excellent video

  7. Countrymouse's Farmhouse
    Countrymouse's Farmhouse says:

    I fill my cart with things and leave them there on purpose, especially books. I then sometimes get an email from them later offering me a discount if I checkout then. Lol. Perfect. Now I'm going to have to make Kiev!! Its my favourite thing to order if we go out . They don't make good ones around here though. 😬 I'm glad we're not getting the rain like down south. We just had 45+ over the last few days , I think we've got 2 more rainy days this week too. Thank you for sharing lovely ❤

  8. WV Girl Mel
    WV Girl Mel says:

    I'm definitely going to make this and try to stuff some with broccoli and cheese!!! Thank you sooooo much for inspiring me to get back in the kitchen! I just love watching your videos! And BTW, I love your hat! You look great in it!

  9. Donna Garretson
    Donna Garretson says:

    I am thinking to try the chicken Kyiv, it is something I would love being an all-things chicken gal. You do such a great job cooking the foods your family likes; you are a wonderful mom and wife. God Bless you and yours. Remember Jesus Christ loves you all and He is returning right away. You are safe under the shadow of Almighty God. Please read Psalm 91, this Bible verse is a look into God's protection of His children in the spiritual realm and in the physical realm in these last days, we are living in. Seek the Lord and repent. "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. There is none righteous no not one and God the Father hath laid on God the Son the iniquity of us all." The Word of God. Love to all in Christ Jesus.

  10. Angela Fleming
    Angela Fleming says:

    Hello the chicken looked yummy is your family dairy free because of allergies the reason I ask is I am supposed to be dairy free, gluten free and soy free I find it very difficult to give up the cheese.

  11. Marcella Hicks
    Marcella Hicks says:

    I never saw anyone make Chicken Kiev. I love them. I am definitely going to make these. If you do not have a theramix do you have to grind chicken? I checked the Theramixer out, it is incredible. Just alot of money. It is definitely something I would love to gave though. You can do so much with them. I cannot imagine what you would make if you had the updated new one. They are an incredible appliance. As usual you rocked it big time. Hope you survive the Week of Rain. I think Illinois is getting rain this week too. Everyone is blowing off firecrackers, fireworks and anything that explodes for 4th of July in America. It is insane for a couple days. Thanks for taking us along


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