Sweet Potato Chilli | Jamie Oliver – Ad

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This is an Ad. Get 4 of your 5 a day in this one delicious and healthy Veggie Chilli recipe. Sweet potato roasted until caramelised, stirred through a hearty stew of …

21 replies
  1. Georgie Grace
    Georgie Grace says:

    This is still my favourite dish Jamie has every made! Also the first dish of his that I actually made to the exact recipe a few years ago. It was so delicious! I really need to make it again. 😍

  2. Annamaria Marchese
    Annamaria Marchese says:

    I have just made this dish for a cold wintry dinner in Melbourne, Australia. I only used 1 can of tomatoes and I added some button mushrooms cut in half…… I served it with brown rice, yoghurt, mashed avocado and fresh basil……..D….I…vine!!! Thanks Jamie…. would not have ventured this far with sweet potatoes – so many thanks for your ideas and expertise….. you are my "go to" with any recipe I want to give a try…….

  3. Philippa Pay
    Philippa Pay says:

    Chili is vegetarian in its origins: chili con carne has meats, chili con pollo has poultry. It looks delicious and the sweet potatoes will give you something to bite into that has a bit of volume.

  4. Mayor EB Farnum
    Mayor EB Farnum says:

    u know the channel is run by a British when it says AD in the title and he spends less that 10 seconds selling his product, meanwhile American youtubers promote products for 5min straight and dont even bother putting AD in the title, and ppl have the nerve to tell you that there are no cultural differences between modern day brits and americans, Brits still have some integrity left and are not hell bent on torturing their viewers in order to make a few extra bucks


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