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One of my greatest cooking blunders to date was making a PERFECT sweetbread for my bredren Sekou for Christmas in 2020 …

42 replies
  1. Islyn Mercurius
    Islyn Mercurius says:

    Looks good love the preparation and ingredients simple to prepare I will prepare one and put some coconut and sugar on top thanks for sharing my friend grandma.always give us the best that's why we love grandma's

  2. Una Chow
    Una Chow says:

    Simply ❤️ when you’re on with a recipe. I was just quietly laughing and enjoying the local parlance but more curious to see how the sweetbread would turn out. Sweetbread is my fave and I will attempt following your recipe which looks delish! It’s such a pleasure looking @ your videos and as always 🙏for inviting us into your kitchen 🥰🇹🇹

  3. Patty
    Patty says:

    Good day Baidawi.
    Nice vid as always. 1️⃣0️⃣
    Well I guess sweetbread on de roster for Saturday. Thanks for keeping the culture alive. Besides Tonka bean my mom sometimes used "sapote" too. Needing de glace fruits and cherries though. Sorry.
    Watching your numbers. 👀
    Hoping to see a nice Q&A with friends maybe for the 100k. Hint hint. 😉

  4. Sharon Thomas
    Sharon Thomas says:

    Love the music love the Sweet bread ❤️🍞. Not changing topic but tried your potatoe salad. Loveeeeeee it . When I come Trinidad will surely look you and your crew up. Don't stop showing Great things can come out of Trinidad and Tobago. Stay blessed and keep coming with those videos.😊🙂😌

  5. Shelly
    Shelly says:

    Ngl this is shockingly close to my recipe that I've been making for a couple years now. I must try this tonka bean you keep raving about some time though, I'm interested to see what the flavor is like.

  6. Gillian Remy
    Gillian Remy says:

    Badawi. You brought back lovely memories especially with the tonca bean. My mother Marjorie never made sweet bread without it. Well this saturday in the kitchen with this recipe. Great finish👍👍 👊👊👋👋👋

  7. 27thAve
    27thAve says:

    Scoping for talent huh? Eat a sweet to catch sweet? lol… BTW: Document everything you do in the kitchen from now on, so when you hit on something nice, you can easily go back to your notes/videos my friend.


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