Sweet and Spicy Pickles – Easy Homemade Bread and Butter Pickles – Low Carb Keto Recipe

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Please see the description below for ingredient amounts ▽ My homemade Sweet and Spicy Pickles. These pickles are so easy to make and don’t have all the …

29 replies
  1. Evelyn H
    Evelyn H says:

    Finally getting my BBP's made today, I can't wait to try them I had to use jalapeno peppers, Kroger or Walmart didn't have Fresno peppers I also sliced in a bell pepper.
    I thank you so much for your recipes, I am saving to buy your cookbook 🙂

  2. Ev
    Ev says:

    Papa G, it's like you read my keto thoughts. I just threw out a jar of store bread and butter pickles because it had 8gm of carbs per serving. They were a spicy maple flavored and it bummed me out because they were delicious and I absolutely love bread and butter pickles. Then bada-bing, I pull up YT and you've posted this. The force is strong with you my friend. You could sell those!

  3. Sandy Ocean
    Sandy Ocean says:

    Those look SO good!! Looking forward to giving them a try. I made your peanut butter pie recipe for company (Keto) and they said it was the best Keto dessert they had ever had! It was SO delicious! I always know your recipes will come out well. Thank you for sharing!!

  4. Aly B
    Aly B says:

    I don’t really like sweet pickles, but I’ll try this recipe anyway, because so far I love all your recipes…. Not one recipe has had disappointed me…. Thank you….

  5. Evelyn H
    Evelyn H says:

    OH My I love this my hubby will love this he is no sugar and he loves the hot and spicy ones but they are not low carb so he splurges and eats them he will love these as will I Thank you for this recipe I am on my way to town to get ingredients!!


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