Superfat “Carnivore” Vs Superskinny Flight Attendant (Nutritionist reacts)

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Nutritionist Freelee reacts to SuperSize Vs SuperSkinny. Full episode. Learn more about my services at: …

37 replies
  1. @ladeliz
    @ladeliz says:

    As always, super helpful and constructive commentary, and what you’re saying about people being capable of buying all that food and yet still in poverty and not making since…it’s so true! Wayyyy way back like in the Victorian era, it was attractive to be overweight because it was a sign of wealth. Unfortunately, I believe that being overweight being associated with poverty, is more so a factor of the mental state of the person. They don’t care about what they are eating.

    Thank you for another great video 💚

  2. @judy5144
    @judy5144 says:

    Freelee! Freelee! I know you're doing these and "My 600-Lb. Life", but could you possibly do a video on Alexbabii97? She's a TikToker, but I think she's also on other social media platforms. Please please please think about it.

  3. @julioandresgomez3201
    @julioandresgomez3201 says:

    In Chinese medicine they say undereating is better than overeating. What happens if you undereat, you won't be able to run marathons or do 2 hours of gym a day or cut trees all morning. Other than that if the mind is right the body will live on and on with very little. When you overeat though you enter the danger zone. The sickness zone. Hospitals are full of overeaters, not undereaters.

  4. @baum7des7lebens7
    @baum7des7lebens7 says:

    Did Dr. Christian ever reveal his own way of eating and activity level? 🤔 Online I read he doesn't count calories but keeps fat intake low. He recommends brown rice and lentils, doesn't recommend skipping breakfast but likes several meals across the day. He talks about vegan junkfood as a trap. I mean… pretty good compared to many dietitians in the media.

  5. @kaycevictoria9947
    @kaycevictoria9947 says:

    Omg i know!!! My dad uses that healthy foods are too expensive excuse. Im like.. dude you spend more money on your bullcrap. But he does have victim mentality.
    Im glad you have the courage to say it❤

  6. @flattlandermontgomery1524
    @flattlandermontgomery1524 says:

    I believe you can be addicted to things that shouldn't be called food. I would call them edible substances because you can't be addicted to real food. Refined carbs for example and the combinations of fat, salt and sugar. Also the "hyper palatable" foods that are actually designed to be addictive. And animal products, especially cheese, but any animal product because of it's calorie density, and high fat and also is usually consumed with salt. That is not to say that you would be helpless, just that it takes effort to get those out of your life. Just push through the first two to three weeks. The cravings tend to intensify around the two week mark but then taper off.

  7. @kayeh6186
    @kayeh6186 says:

    Poor people are often overweight because they live in "food deserts". The supermarkets that we are used to often won't open in poor areas because its not financially profitable for them. The residents in these areas often don't have a car and are forced to shop in convenience stores which don't carry much fresh food and fast food places.


    You will never get a super fat person like this that doesn’t consume more than 100 g of fat per day. The golden rule to weight loss is keep your fat lower than 10 g per day, Carbs FTW!! 💪💪💪

  9. @michellemosevich
    @michellemosevich says:

    I have had both addiction to opiates and have battled food addiction and it's very similar I agree with him. People that do not understand addiction always say it's a choice but it's a lot deeper then that. If addiction was easy there wouldn't be rehabs and treatment centers.

  10. @mick_js
    @mick_js says:

    Unfortunately, ultraprocessed products (will not call it “food”) tend to be very cheap in America. In addition, SNAPs (government food supplement program) tends to encourage the consumption of ultra processed products . Best bet for low-income Americans is to purchase an abundance of bananas, apples, potatoes, and dried beans. Variety will be lacking, but health will improve.

  11. @bones642
    @bones642 says:

    The super skinnies just look normal to me. I grew up in the 80s and 90s. That’s basically all my aunts and uncles and my parents at the lake every weekend. And my parents weren’t smokers or druggies, they just were always outside and ate a bunch of garden stuff. We had baloney and bread and all but mostly popcorn instead of chips and instead of candy we had oranges and bananas and apples. The cheap variety bag fruit. Exotic fruit like peaches and grapes were pretty rare. Not much dairy, not much juice, almost never soda but my dad did used to put mt dew in our bottles for fun at the lake. We’d go for candy several times a week but we had to ride bikes to get there and back. Mostly water. I remember craving salt though so much I’d eat a bullion cube like a sucker 🤣 this was in TX it was basically sauna life bc my mom wouldn’t turn on the a/c until it was hotter than 80F/27C

    To this day I think I’ve only seen someone that round maybe 8 or 9 times. I live in a military area now and everyone’s still looking like the basic anatomy book human™️ lol and athletic. I did go in 2006 to bodyworlds with my best friend and saw the sliced up preserved displays. Wild.

  12. @marcodevito4762
    @marcodevito4762 says:

    I just completed my first half-marathon and feel that I owe you a huge debt of gratitude. My success in achieving this goal is in no small part due to your high-carb, high- fruit, low-fat protocol. Thank you for guiding me to a lifestyle that enables me to live up to my fullest potential. If anyone is worthy of the title of nutritionist, it’s you !

  13. @luceymajor
    @luceymajor says:

    If you ever run out of ideas Freelee … maybe you could interview your long term fans and make videos out of the zoom call. It would be good to see what people struggle with on their journey to health.

  14. @Healthnutpb
    @Healthnutpb says:

    yeah wrong food addiction is a thing and it has to do with addictive ingredients added to processed foods. There were studies on this very thing. Also Freelee, most diseases are created by food and lifestyle. Practically 99%

  15. @rosiekay1278
    @rosiekay1278 says:

    I watched one of your 600 lb life reaction videos earlier while walking and drinking dateorade. I made myself walk the entire 1.5 hours ahah! Thanks freelee for always keeping me on track 😍


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