Super Easy HEALTHY Oatmeal Cookies

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Super Easy HEALTHY Oatmeal Cookies RECIPE: SUBSCRIBE …

50 replies
  1. Pru Tai
    Pru Tai says:


    1+1/3 cups (130 g) rolled oat, grind to a flour

    1 cup (100 g) rolled oats

    3/4 teaspoon (4 g) baking powder

    1 teaspoon cinnamon

    pinch of nutmeg

    1/4 teaspoon salt

    1 teaspoon vanilla extract

    1/3 cup (90 g) melted coconut oil

    1/3 cup (60 g) granulated sugar, not fine sugar

    1 tablespoon ground flax seeds

    3 tablespoons (30-45 g) milk, or water

    1/4 cup chopped pecan nuts

  2. Mel
    Mel says:

    I just made some. However, I do not use nuts and cranberry. I replaced them with chopped dark chocolate. 3 tbsp milk to heavy cream. I also reduced the amount of coconut oil to 40g + 50g butter. Thanks for the recipe. Very yummy and crunchy

  3. Fatima Isra
    Fatima Isra says:

    I made this recipe twice this week, and it turned out great!!

    I used hazelnuts and almonds instead of cranberries and pecans (that's what I had).
    I also added 1/4 cup of chopped dark chocolate and 5 sukari dates (these are the moist kinds of dates).

    I added under a 1/3rd cup of water (which wasn't very necessary a tablespoon would've been good), and shaped the cookies with oiled fingers.

    Will probably make these again with cranberries and dried apple !!

  4. Zaha el-Gamal
    Zaha el-Gamal says:

    1+1/3 cups (130 g) rolled oat, grind to a flour
    1 cup (100 g) rolled oats
    3/4 teaspoon (4 g) baking powder
    1 teaspoon cinnamon
    pinch of nutmeg
    1/4 teaspoon salt
    1 teaspoon vanilla extract
    1/3 cup (90 g) melted coconut oil
    1/3 cup (60 g) granulated sugar, not fine sugar
    1 tablespoon ground flax seeds
    3 tablespoons (30-45 g) milk, or water
    1/4 cup chopped pecan nuts

  5. Sherry
    Sherry says:

    Looks yummy and almost healthy! Although much healthier than other oatmeal cookies I've seen. Any healthy oatmeal cookies I've tried taste too healthy to satisfy that desire for a cookie. 😜

  6. independence_1947
    independence_1947 says:

    Can I swap the sugar with maple syrup if yes what’s the quantity please? Thanks in advance

    P.S. I just discovered your channel and you have healthy recipes with sugar alternatives which is exactly what I was looking for so I can give to my young children. Looking forward to more such recipes & can’t wait to try them.

  7. Rand U
    Rand U says:

    Wow; that does look good! Thanks for sharing 😸 (P.S. I'm baking it now but I must say that I must have done something wrong. When I pressed the dough together to make the little balls, they were very crumbly! Nowhere as beautiful as your cookies!)


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